fluid and electroyltes

Cards (95)

  • 60%

    % of body weight that is fluid
  • bodyweight
    #1 indicator of hydrations
  • 1L of water

    1kg (2.2lbs)
  • intracellular fluid
    within cells, 2/3 of body fluid
  • extracellular
    outside cells, 1/3 of body fluid
  • interstitial
    extracellular fluid that is between cells
  • vascular (plasma) compartment

    extracellular fluid within blood vessels
  • transcellular
    extracellular fluid that is synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, GI fluids
  • hemocrit
    (36-52%) number of cells/solution- guide for hydration
    increased- dehydrated, decreased-overhydrated
  • sodium (Na+)

    (135-145mEq/L) regulates fluid volume
  • chloride (Cl-)

    (97-107mmol/L) close affinity to sodium, rise and fall together
  • potassium (K+)
    (3.5-5mEq/L) controls muscle contraction- heart
  • calcium (Ca2+)

    (8.2-10.2mg/dL) controls muscle contractions like twitching and spasms, clot formation
  • phosphorous (PO4-)

    (2.5-4.5mg/dL) seesaw effect with calcium, one rises as other falls
  • magnesium (Mg2+)

    (1.6-2.6mg/dL) nerve innervation to muscles- diaphragm
  • bicarbonate (HCO3-)

    (22-26mEq/L) acid base control
  • serum creatinine
    (0.5-1.2mg/dL) kidney function, if elevated- kidneys failing
  • bun urea nitrogen (BUN)

    (8-21mg/dL) kidney function, hydration, if elevated- kidney dysfunction or dehydration
  • plasma proteins
    total proteins (6.4-8.3g/dL)
    albumin (3.5-5g/dL) check if edemic or suspected liver failure
  • specific gravity

    (1.005-1.030) particles/solution of urine, high-concentrated, low-dilute
  • urine pH
  • isotonic iv fluids

    same concentration as blood, fluid stays put- volume builder for low BP or hemorrhage
  • isotonic iv fluid examples
    0.9% NaCl (NS)
    Lactated Ringers (LR)
    5% Dextrose in LR (D5LR)
  • hypertonic iv fluid

    solution higher concentration than blood, fluid moves into vascular compartment- cells shrink and increased vascular volume
    *pulmonary edema risk- for very low sodium
  • hypertonic iv fluid examples

    3% NaCl
    10% Dextrose in water (D10W)
    20% Dextrose in water (D20W)
    5% Dextrose and ½ NS (D5 ½)
  • hypotonic solution

    solution lower concentration then blood, fluid moves from vascular compartment into cells
    *not for those with increased brain swelling, cerebral edema, or children as brain cells swell- for very high sodium
  • hypotonic iv fluid examples

    0.45% NaCl (1/2 NS)
    5% Dextrose in water (D5W)
    5% Dextrose and ¼ NS (D5 ¼)
    0.33% NaCl
  • protein deficiency causes

    inadequate protein intake, protein loss, decreased protein synthesis
  • protein deficiency s/s
    edema, slow wound healing, muscle wasting and atrophy, weakness, weight loss, anemia
  • dependent edema
    from gravity- typically look at legs
  • weeping edema

    fluid leaks through pores of skin
  • anasarca
    generalized edema- all over body no matter position
  • protein deficiency care

    diet high in carbs and protein, iv or tube feeding with amino acids
  • consequences of fluid disturbances

    impaired oxygen and perfusion, impaired cerebral function, impaired neuromuscular function (cramping)
  • fluid shift from plasma to interstitial space
    too little fluid in vascular compartment- from increased capillary hydrostatic pressure, decreased plasma proteins, increased permeability
  • plasma to interstitial s/s

    increased HR to keep blood pumping (1), decreased BP, decreased urine output, edema, altered mental status
  • plasma to interstitial care

    f/e replacement, rapid response, if shock- emergency
  • fluid shift from interstitial to plasma

    too much fluid in vascular compartment from increased vascular protein or burns
  • interstitial to plasma s/s
    HR 70s strong and bounding to pump extra fluid, increased BP and urine output, risk for pulmonary edema- crackles, signs of hypoxia (restless, altered mental status, tachycardia)
  • interstitial to plasma care

    diuretics and dialysis