
Cards (76)

  • pituitary
    master endocrine gland
    - anterior and posterior pituitary
  • anterior pituitary

    Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
    lutenising hormone ( LH)
    acth ( adrenocorticotrophic hormone)
    thyroid stimulating hormone( TSH)
    prolactin ( P)
    endorphins ( E)
    growth hormone ( G)
  • posterior pituitary

    anti- oxidant
    ADH and Oxytocin
  • hypopituitarism
    - decrease in the one or more pituitary hormones
    - manifestation based on which hormone is deficient
    - fixed with surgery, radiation, hormone replacement
  • selective hypopituitarism

    deficiency of one pituitary hormone
  • panhypopituitarism
    deficiency of all pituitary hormones
  • hyperpituitarism
    -overactivity of pituitary hormones
    - tumors can be causes
    management aimed oto decrease
    - fixed with surgery. radiation
  • pituitary surgery
    Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy
  • transsphenoidal hypophysectomy
    monitor for meningitis, CSF, ICP, diabetes insipidus, a
  • S/S of a CSF leak
    -HALO SIGN in drainage (clear in center, yellow on edges)
    -sweet-tasting drainage
    -clear drainage from the nose
  • S/S of meningitis

    - stiff neck
    - headache
    - irritability
  • S/S of ICP

    - headache
    -nausea/ vomiting
  • post-op care for a hypophysectomy
    - neuro exam for ICP
    - mouth care- dry mouth
    - no swimming
    - no activities that increase ICP
    - I & O drainage
    - desmopressin or vasopressin ( ADH meds)
    - increase HOB, increases ventilation, decrease drainage and ICP
  • activities that increase ICP

    - bending at waist
    - straining in the BR
    - coughing/ sneezing
    - blowing your nose
    -heavy lifting
  • meds for diabetes insipidus
    - vasopressin
    - desmopresssin
    -syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
    -too much ADH is being held on to meaning too much fluid retention, not enough being excreated
  • DI
    - lack of ADH
    - too much diuresis
    - fluid retention
    - concentrated urine
    - increase BP (too much fluid)
    - increased urine specific gravity
    - decreased urine output
    - diluted hyponatremia
  • DI S/S
    -fluid loss
    - decreased BP
    -increased urine output
    - diluted urine
    - dehydration
    - hypernatremia
  • SIADH treatment

    - hypertonic solution bc of hyponatremia
    - fluid restriction
    - diuretic antagonists
    - monitor urine and blood studies
    - monitor neuro status, I & Os, weight, seizure precautions bc of low sodium
  • DI treatment
    Give ADH (PItressin or vasopressin)
    Give fluids to increase Intravascular volume
    monitor UOP
    *monitor fo ischemia, neuro status, dehydration
  • adrenal cortex hormones
    3 S' ( steriods)
    sugar- glucocorticoids
    salt- mineralcorticoids
    sex- androgens
  • hyperaldosteronism (CONN"S SYNDROME)

    excessive output of aldosterone from the adrenal gland, leading to increased sodium and water retention and loss of potassium
  • hyperaldosterone manifestations

    hypertension and hypokalemia due to too much water retention
  • hyperaldosterone treatment
    aldactone( gets rid of water and keeps potassium)
  • cushing syndrome
    hypersecretion of cortisol (hydrocortisone) by the adrenal gland
  • Cushing syndrome S/S`
    -moon face
    -fluid over load
    -purple striae
    - fat pad
  • cushing syndrome treatment

    - fluid
    - avoid food w/ sodium and sugar raising foods
    -I & Os, daily weights
    -monitor labs
  • Addison's disease
    -Double P's- hyperpigmentation, hyperkalemia
    - low BP
    -low sodium
  • adrenal crisis

    give kayexalate- to lower potassium levels
    - Iv fluids
    - steriods and glucose
  • patient teaching for addisions disease

    - wear medical bracelet
    - increase foods in calcium and vitamin D
    - limit potassium intake
    -steroid meds
  • phenochromocytoma
    tumor of the adrenal medulla
  • Phenochromocytoma S/S
    Episodic sweating
  • phenochromocytoma treatment

    - elevate HOB
    -calm environment
    -CHECK BP/ HR!!!
    -if bilateral adrenalectomy, monitor for adrenal insufficiency
  • parathyroid disorder
  • TSH and T4T3 level

    - negative feed back loop
    - inverse relationship
  • thyroid testing

    ultrasound, biopsy, physical exam, thyroid uptake and scan
  • hyperthroidism

    too much t3 and t4 levels
    -weight loss
    - diarrhea
    -heat intolerance
    - insomnia
  • exophathalmos
    -bulging eyes in graves disease
    - can causes diplopia
    -tepeeza drug