Cards (13)

  • winter swans stanzas
    -has 7 stanzas,the first 6 of which are 3 lines+the final stanza has 2
  • what does the final stanza suggest
    -the couple are now together mentally,physically,emotionally,spritually
  • what does three lines in the 6 stanzas link to
    -sense of balance we get from the swans as it exists among 3 of the 4 Aristotelian elements like earth+air+water
  • what does the free verses symbolise
    -the couple were beginning to distance+their relationship was arguably reaching something difficult to overcome-lack of communication
  • what do the swans symbolise
  • what are swans closely connected to
  • what is water symbolic of
  • example of personfication+pathetic fallacy
    'the clouds have given their all'
  • what does the pathetic fallacy notion symbolise
    -notion sets up an image of battle+clouds who have finally been beaten.They have given their all+still not succeeded.
  • metaphor example
    'icebergs of white feather'
  • what does the metaphor symbolise
    shows their is much that lies beneath the surface+shows there are many layers to this relationship
  • differences w loves philosphy
    WS-'lake' +'clouds had given their all'
    LPS-'river'+'the waves clasp one another'
  • similarities w loves philosophy
    -both poets personify nature to make it easier to compare to the human relationship
    -both focus on a romantic relationship using natural imagery