Requires matching materials to learners abilities and prior knowledge
Organizing the materials so that it is clear to the students
Directions, objective and main ideas are stated clearly
Internal and final summaries cover the content
Transition between the main ideas is smooth and well-integrated
Writing is not vague
Sufficient examples are provided
New terms are defined
Adequate practice and review assignment reinforce new learning
Arrangement of the materials to provide for continuous cumulative learning
Simple to complex
Parts to whole
Whole to parts
Chronological arrangement
Establishing vertical and horizontal balance relationship
Vertical Relationship- Building a content and experiences in the lessons
Horizontal Relationship- Establish a multi-disciplinary and unified the views of different subjects
The way of headings, terms, illustration, and summary exercises are integrated with content
How much and how quickly the lesson in the textbook are presented
Extent to which the materials allows student to link ideas to all concept in the form of review
Ensures that student learn better through a variety of ways
Comparing and contrasting
Drawing inferences
Transfer of learning
The first two organizers seem to work best with intrinsically motivated student who need to be extrinsically motivated
Authentic materials
Text that were not specially prepared for pedagogic purposes (For Education purposes)
Authentic materials
Video selection
Other teaching resources
Created materials
Textbook and other specially developed instructional resources
Advantages of authentic materials
Positive effect on learner motivation
Moreinteresting and creative than the creative materials
They provide authenticcultural information about the target culture
They provide exposure to the real language rather than the artificial text found in created materials
They relate more closely to learners need and hence, provide a link between the classroom and students need in the real world
They support a more creative approach to teaching
Advantages of created materials
Creative materials can also be motivating for learners
Authentic materials can often contain difficult language and a needed vocabulary items
Creative materials maybe superior to authentic materials because they are generally built around graded syllabus and hence, provide a systematic coverage of teaching items
Using authentic materials is a burden for teacher
External evaluation
Examine the organization of the materials as stated explicitly by the author of the publishers
Internal evaluation
In-depth investigation of the value of the material in relation to its objectives, principles, lesson design and assessment procedures
Overall evaluation
Adaptation of instructional materials
The process of modification of the original composition of the material to suit to the context of the intended learners
Guides for adapting instructional materials
Choose a Renowned and Credible author
Ask permission from the author of the chosen instructional materials or simply acknowledge him/her
Modify certain ideas to suit to your purpose and context
Validate the material by experts of the Fields
Increasing the relevance of the content in relation to learners' interest and their academic, education or professional use
Address the learning styles of both the individuals and of the members a class working together
Takes into account that the international geography of English Language teaching and recognizes that what may work well in one region may not work in another
How far could the materials be integrated into a particular syllabus as core or as supplementary materials.
How the materials could be used by the individual or a group of people.
Can parts be added/ extracted used in another context or modified for local circumstances.
How rigid are the sequencing and grading? Can materials be used in different ways.
Refers to increasing the relevance of the content in relation to learners' interest and their academic, education or professional use.
Adress the learning styles of both the individual and of the members a class working together.
The National Geography of English language teaching and recognizes that what may work well in one region may not work in another region.
Overall evaluation
It analyzes the value of the materials in relation to its usability, generalizability, adaptability, and flexibility.
Internal evaluation
At this stage, the evaluator analyzes the extent to which claims in introduction and blurbs actually match up with the internal consistency and the organization of the materials.
Internal evaluation
At least two unit of a book or set of materials need to be inspected in order to perform an effective evaluation.
Internal evaluation
Analyzes what the book tells us about itself by looking at the blurbs, introduction, and table of contents.
In the Concept related in intrinsically
Drawing evenly on the instruction knowledge, The concept of the principle or the theories of the subject.
In Inquiry related in intrinsically
Derived from critical thinking and procedure in fluid by learning theories and scholar in the field.
In Learner related in extrinsically
Related to the need, interest, or experiences of the students.
In Utilization related in extrinsically
Show how people can use and proceed with them in real life situation.