Geol 11 Module 6A

Cards (67)

  • Magma
    Hot (600-1200°C) partially molten rock beneath the surface of the earth
  • Lava
    Magma that reaches the surface of the earth through a vent
  • Components of magma

    • Liquid components (silicates, carbonates, sulfides)
    • Solid components (minerals, rock fragments)
    • Dissolved gases (water vapor, CO2, SO2, HCl, HF)
  • Classification of magma based on silica content
    • Felsic/Silicic/Acidic (>63% SiO2)
    • Intermediate (52-63% SiO2)
    • Mafic/Basic (45-52% SiO2)
    • Ultramafic/Ultrabasic (<45% SiO2)
  • Viscosity
    The property of substances to resist flow
  • Higher temperature
    Lower viscosity
  • Higher SiO2 content
    Higher viscosity
  • More H2O
    Lower viscosity
  • Properties of different magmas

    • Ultramafic - hottest, densest
    • Felsic - least dense
  • Factors affecting magma formation

    1. Increase in temperature
    2. Decrease in pressure
    3. Addition of volatiles
  • Geothermal gradient is not sufficient to melt dry rocks
  • Increase in geothermal gradient

    Can lead to melting of rocks and production of new magmas
  • Decompression (drop in confining pressure)

    Can cause melting
  • Addition of volatiles (e.g. water)
    Can cause rocks to melt at lower temperature
  • Magmatic differentiation

    1. Fractional crystallization
    2. Partial melting
    3. Assimilation
    4. Magma mixing
  • Fractional crystallization

    Process of crystal formation and its removal from the magma by gravity
  • Crystallization of ferromagnesian minerals (e.g. olivine)

    Magma becomes more silica-rich and felsic in composition
  • Partial melting

    Only certain parts of the rock will melt
  • Partial melting of silica-rich minerals

    Resulting magma is typically more felsic in composition
  • Rocks do not melt at a single temperature, but instead melt over a range of temperatures depending on their mineral composition
  • Sudden increase in temperature beneath the surface

    Crystals formed at lower temperatures will start to melt
  • Molten materials

    Become magma which separates from the rock due to its buoyancy as a function of temperature
  • Silica rich minerals such as quartz have lower melting point, so the resulting magma is typically more felsic in composition
  • Low degrees of partial melting form more siliceous magmas, while higher degrees of partial melting can generate more mafic compositions
  • Melting a mafic source results in a felsic to intermediate magma, while melting ultramafic (peridotite) rocks from the mantle should form basaltic magmas
  • Partial melting experiment
    1. Heating to 50°C for 30 minutes, only the wax has melted
    2. Heating to 120°C for 60 minutes, much of the plastic has melted and the two liquids have mixed
    3. Liquid separated from solids and allowed to cool to make a "pretend rock" with a different overall composition
  • Magma Mixing or Mingling
    Two or more magmas with different compositions could mix with each other to produce compositions intermediate between the end members
  • Assimilation
    When a molten body moves up through an existing basement rock, it assimilates rock (melts and incorporates elements from the surrounding rock), changing the magma composition
  • Parts of the country rock are not completely melted, leaving behind inclusions inside the cooled intruding rock called xenoliths and xenocrysts
  • Bowen's Reaction Series
    Describes the crystallization sequence of minerals as basaltic rocks are melted and gradually cooled
  • Bowen's Reaction Series
    • Olivine
    • Pyroxene
    • Amphibole
    • Biotite
    • Plagioclase
    • K-feldspar
    • Muscovite
    • Quartz
  • Olivine forms at the highest temperature (1200-1300°C), then combines with silica to form pyroxene as temperature drops
  • In the continuous series, only the mineral plagioclase develops but the amount of calcium and sodium in its composition changes
  • A rock dominated by olivine (and possibly few pyroxene) comes from an ultramafic source, while a mafic rock is dominated by pyroxene and Ca-rich plagioclase with significant amount of amphibole, biotite and possibly olivine
  • Extrusive (volcanic) rocks

    Molten rocks that solidified at the surface (e.g. basalt, andesite, rhyolite)
  • Pyroclastic rocks

    Rocks formed from the explosive eruption of volcanoes (e.g. tuff, ignimbrite)
  • Intrusive (plutonic) rocks

    Rocks formed at depth (e.g. gabbro, diorite, granite)
  • Intrusive Igneous Landforms

    • Stock
    • Batholith
    • Dike/Dyke
    • Sill
    • Laccolith
    • Lopolith
  • Aphanitic texture

    Very fine grained; mineral grains are not visible to naked eye (usually less than 1 mm grain size)
  • Phaneritic texture

    Coarse-grained; mineral grains visible to naked eye (usually 1-10 mm)