
Cards (7)

    1. Add a drop of water onto the middle of a clean slide
  • 2. Cut an onion into layers, use tweezers to peel of some epidermal tissue
  • 3. Using the tweezers, place the epidermal tissue into the water
  • 4. Add a drop of iodine solution
  • 5. Place a cover slip by tilting it
  • Risks:
    1. Sharp knife - carry it facing down & cut away from body
    2. Iodine is a stain - Avoid contact with it & people may be allergic
    1. Use the lowest powered objective lens
    2. Use the coarse adjustment knob to move the stage till object is roughly focused
    3. Adjust focus with the fine adjustment knob
    4. Use higher powered objective lens to see with greater magnification