Michelangelo's creation of Adam perfectly expresses Christian belief- Agree
separate from creation "imago dei" same physical form dignity of humans and our special relationship- Justice, sanctity of life
Dependent on God "maker of heaven and earth" divine spark shows connection between God and humanity so Catholics should turn to God in Prayer more often because he is benevolent
Michelangelo's creation of Adam perfectly expresses catholic belief-DISAGREE
Not diverse, only one white man "in his image" suggests God has stronger relationship with White people so people don't feel included- NOT TRUE "you are all one in Jesus Christ"
many catholics believe in evolution and the big bang, which this painting does not represent "big bang ... does not contradict the divine act of creating " showing how it is outdated today
The most important lesson from Genesis 1 is to trust God-AGREE
God is omnipotent "let there be light" creating the entire universe from nothing so Catholics trust God because they recognise his power
God created the world "Very Good" Therefore Catholics should trust God and his teachings because he cares about people
The most important lesson from Genesis 1 is to trust God- Disagree
God is the one creator "Love the lord your God" Monotheism is influenced by Genesis showing devotion to God- fundamental belief
Care and look after creation- be stewards. Because God created it "very good " it is our duty to preserve it because if not humanity is ignoring God's will and causing suffering
The best way to show love to neighbour is to care for environment- agree
Climate change affects vulnerable people through natural disasters. We must help the vulnerable as shown in the parable of sheep and goats "what you did for the least ... you did for me" to ensure good judgement.
It is important to be stewards and follow in Church's example ("creation is a gift from God" pope francis) because we have to preserve the planet for future generations to be sustainable. e.g church installed solar panels 2008
the best way to love your neighbour is to care for the environment- disagree
creating justice in your local community. SVP helps homeless, hungry and sick in local area and this is beneficial as you see the impact it has on people's lives at a community level "I was hungry and you fed me" justice is an important kingdom value
evangelism is better, spreading Jesus' teachings as "Go therefore and make disciples" you are inviting more people into the Christian community, which is arguably the greatest gift of love and peace available (ongoing redemption)