Islamic beliefs + teachings quotations

Cards (15)

  • 5 Quotations to show the oneness of Allah
    1. He is Allah, the one
    2. Allah is eternal and absolute.
    3. He is unborn.
    4. Is none like unto him.
    5. He is God the one
  • Quotations to show the best way to understand, Allah is to describe him as transcendent
    He is above all comprehension
  • Quotations to disagree that the best way to understand Allah is to describe him as transcendent
    The most excellent names, belong to God; use them to call on him

    With you wherever you are

    Closer to you than your jugular vein
  • Quotation to support the oneness of God and belief in God’s justice +predestination

    Only what God has decreed will happen to us he's our master, let the believers put their trust in God
  • Quotation that links with predestination

    No misfortune ever falls on earth, not on yourselves, but we have inscribed it in the book before we make it manifest. Surely that is easy for Allah.

    Nobody may die except for with Gods permission at a predestined time

    Only God has decreed what will happen to us
  • Quotations for description of heaven
    Reward for what they used to do

    There will be any fruit they choose

    Beautiful garden

    What a pleasant reward!
  • Quotations to describe hell

    Neither cool, nor refreshing

    garments of fire will be tailored

    taste the suffering of fire

    Lead him to the burn in the blazing fire
  • Quotations for Tabara

    Encourage, good and forbid evil

    Enjoy what is right and forbid what is wrong
  • Quotations for the transcendence and immanence of God
    God is with you wherever you are

    He is closer to you than your jugular vein
  • Quotations for angels

    "Who made angels with two, three, four pairs of wings"

    "His angels and his messengers"

    "Each person has angels before him and behind him watching over Gods command"
  • Quotations for judgement day
    When the trumpet is sounded ... on that day you will be exposed and none of your secrets will remain hidden"
  • Quotations about Muhammad

    Perfect man

    An excellent model

    ...Muhammad is his messenger

    The seal of all prophets
  • Quotataion about all holy books
    The Quran confirms what was revealed before it
  • Quotation about prophets
    Every community is sent a messenger
  • Quotation about the importance of the Quran
    The Quran is nothing less than a relegation that is sent to him

    Nor could this Quran have been devised by anyone other than God