
Cards (40)

  • Prejudice:
    a negative performed opinion/judgement about a person/group of people
    • homophobia
    • sexism
    • ableism
    • bodyshaming
  • Discrimination:
    acting on your prejudices; unjust treatment of a person / group of people
    • racism
    • ageism
    • religious intolerance
    • classist
  • Reasons for prejudice/discrimination:
    • environment
    • social media
    • family/friends
    • past experiences
    • societal standards
    • lack of awareness
  • Social justice:
    a society based on the principles of equality, understands and values human rights and recognises the dignity of all people
  • Social injustice:
    relates to unfairness/injustice in a society; arises when people are treated unequally and human rights are denied/abused
  • Hate Crime:
    the law recognises 5 types of hate crime on the basis of:
    • race
    • religion
    • disability
    • sexual orientation
    • transgender identity
  • Malcolm X

    Member of an association which got him trouble with the Klu Klux Klan
  • Malcolm X's father died when he was young
  • Malcolm X's mother was sent to mental hospital
  • Malcolm X became a drug addict
  • Malcolm X turned to crime
  • Malcolm X was in prison for 10 years
  • Malcolm X converted to Nation of Islam (religious and political organisation) which had a belief of black supremacy
  • After release, Malcolm X moved to Chicago and met Elijah Muhammad (leader of Nation of Islam)
  • Malcolm X
    Changed name from Malcolm Little to Malcolm X
  • Malcolm X became minister of a mosque
  • Malcolm X

    • Advocated black power and violent revolution
    • Was suspended from movement
  • Malcolm X left Nation of Islam and established organisation of Afro-American Unity
  • After pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm X rejected his old beliefs and became Sunni Muslim
  • Malcolm X was shot dead

    21st of February 1965
  • 3 black Muslims were convicted for Malcolm X's murder
  • Similarities and Differences between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King:
    • Afro-American
    • movements to support Black civil rights
    • father was a minister
    • peaceful vs. violent
    • Muslim and Christian
    • childhoods
    • MLK stayed in school
    • MLK did not fall into crime
    • Black supremacy vs. equality
  • What Buddhism teaches about Racism:
    'The things which divide and separate - religion, gender, [...] are all illusory'
    'Kindess, alone is enough'
    • upekkha (equanimity in sanskrit) - equal attitude to all
    all ideas of prejudice and discrimination are fake; even if they seem so
  • What Hinduism teaches about Racism:
    'I look upon all creatures equally; none are less dear to me and none more dear. But those who worship me with love live in more and I come to life in them'
    'Everything is loved not for its own sake but because the self lives in it'
  • What Islam teaches about Racism:
    'of his Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and colours'
    'not that you may despise eachother'
    • unacceptable and wrong
    • all are equal
  • What Christianity teaches about Racism:
    'so whatever you wish that men would do to you, do to them also'
    'and now we will make human beings in our image'
    'and he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face'
    The Good Samaritan
  • What Sikhism teaches about Racism:
    'using the same clay, the Creator has created many shapes in many ways'
    'all beings and creatures are His, He belongs to all'
    'know people by the light which illuminates them, not by their caste'
    • everyone has been made from the same 'foundations' in many ways
    • everyone belongs to God and God belongs to everyone
    • you should love people by their character
  • What Judaism teaches about Racism:
    'and you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourself in Egypt'
    'when a stranger sojourns with you, you shall not do him wrong [...]; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt'
  • Feminism:
    the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities - political, social and economical equality
  • What Hinduism teaches about gender:
    • women are never independent and always protected
    • mothers and homemakers
    • eg; Ram Sita and Krishna Radha
    • attitudes are changing
    • ISKCON and Swaminarayan Hindu Mission
    • good treatment of women is a blessing
    • men perform funeral rites, receive sacred thread, become priests
  • What Islam teaches about gender:
    • men and women are equal in the eyes of God - judged equally and individually accountable for their actions
    • men and women have different purposes
    • men provide
    • women looks after home and family
    • normal for woman to live with husband's family
    • have many freedoms
    • choose who to marry
    • divorce
    • study
    • own property
    • business
    • politics
  • What Christianity teaches about gender:
    • equal but different skills
    • both men and women can be church leaders (in some denominations)
    • equal in society
  • What Buddhism teaches about gender:
    • both can be monks/nuns
    • both seek for enlightenment
    • upekkha - equiminity
  • What Buddhism teaches about gender:
    • traditional - traditional roles
    • orthodox Jew - men and women separate
    • progressive Jew - female rabbis
  • What Sikhism teaches about gender:
    • equal
    • full face covering not in gurudwara
    • important hymn praising women
    • Punjabi - patriarchal
  • Marriage Act 2013 - same sex couples in England and Wales to marry
  • Gender Recognition Act 2004 - transgender people full recognition of their gender and can get a new birth certificate
  • 72 countries criminalise same-sex relationships
  • 29% of the world believe same-sex relationships should be criminalised
  • 8 countries give death penalties (or have evidence for) being in a same sex relationship