Writing devices that serve to maintaintextcoherenceorunity. They signal relationship between the ideas presented in the given sentences.
Give hintsaboutwhatisgoingtohappen in what you are reading. Understanding them is the key to comprehension.
A method of developing ideas from a broad observation about a certain topic to specific detailsinsupport to that topic.
A relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction. Something happens (acause) that leads to an effect.
Problem and Solution Grammatical Signals
A situation preventing something from being achieved
Problem and Solution Grammatical Signals
The answer to a given problem
Saving money is one of the best habits to do moreover it can be of aid to you in case of emergency.
Some people don't know about RA 9003, otherwise known as Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2003, although it is already implemented.
Because I always brush my teeth, asaresult I don't have cavities.
Unhealthy food and junk food is way cheaper therefore the food industry should lower the prices on fresh food.