
Cards (14)

  • not a red rose or a satin heart - reject romantic cliche
  • I give you an onion -extended metaphor and central conceit
  • unusual love links to sexuality - part of LGBTQ+ community
  • it promises light like the careful undressing of love
  • it will blind you with tears like a lover
  • I am trying to be truthful
  • its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife
  • its fierce kiss will stay on your lips, possessive and faithful
  • moon wrapped in brown paper - metaphor
  • free verse showing freedom of love and perhaps suggesting that love is not always perfect
  • lots of caesura creates disjointed pace suggesting love isn't always gentle and happy
  • love is shown as realistic and unlike cliche images
  • valentine was written by duffy when asked to write an original poem for valentines.
  • she was openly part of the LGBTQ+ community