Stem Cells

Cards (14)

  • Stem cells can either be found in: Bone marrow, Human embryos or plant tissues (meristem)
  • Embryonic stem cells can turn into any type of cell
  • Embryonic stem cells can be used to replace faulty cells in the body
  • Theraputic cloning - giving an embyro the same genetic information as the patient
  • Stem cells grown in the lab may become contaminated with a virus and passed on to the patient
  • Uses of stem cells
    • Curing blindness
    • Curing paralysis
    • Curing some cancers
  • Problems with research
    • Ethical issues - each embryo has potential to become human life
    • Expensive
    • Unproven to work
  • Stem cells can produce identical plants or animals, so they can be used to produce clones
  • Meristems can be used to produce clones of whole plants quickly and cheaply
  • Meristems can be used to grow more plants of a rare species
  • Meristems can be used to grow crops of identical plants, that have desired features
  • Meristem can be found in the roots and shoots of a plant
  • Embryonic cells can be found in embryos
  • Adult stem cells can be found in bone marrow