sound design

Cards (9)

  • The Crucible is a naturalistic play so the sounds will be naturalistic too.
  • Amplifier
    Sound equipment that converts low voltage, low current signal from a tape deck or mixer into a higher current signal suitable for speakers.
  • Echo

    A repeated sound received late enough to be heard as distinct from the source.
  • Microphone
    An instrument which collects live sound and converts it to electrical impulses which are then put into a mixer or amplifier.
  • Reverb
    The effect of multiple sound waves reflecting off surfaces in a room.
  • Fade
    To increase (fade up), decrease (fade down) or eliminate (fade out) gradually the volume of a sound.
  • Diegetic sound

    Sound that the characters on stage can hear. For example, if a telephone rings on stage and a character answers it.
  • Non-diegetic sound

    Sound that a character cannot hear, but instead creates the mood or atmosphere for the performance. For example, if a piece of music is played to accompany a scene (called underscoring), but cannot be heard by the characters.
  • Soundscape
    Performers use their voices (and sometimes items/props) to create overlapping sounds to enhance the mood or theme of the piece.