A church service that follows a set structure or ritual
e.g. The Eucharist for Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican churches
What are the key features of liturgical worship?
It takes place in a church; priest leads the church and may perform symbolic actions; formal prayers with set responses; Bible passages read out, maybe a sermon; music and hymns
What is the importance of liturgical worship?
Worldwide set order for service which is familiar to everyone; Ritual passed down through generations gives sense of tradition; Bible readings follow Christian calendar and teach Christian history and faith
Why is liturgical worship important?
It is viewed as dignified and provides a sense of security
What is non-liturgical worship, including an example?
a service that does not follow a set text or ritual e.g. Services in non-conformist churches e.g. Methodist, Baptist, United Reform
What are the key features of non liturgical worship?
Takes place in church; the minister or person leading worship will choose readings based on themes of the sermon. Prayers are usually in the person's own words; May also have prayers and hymns in no set order
What is the importance of non liturgical worship?
Services can be planned to certain themes, can share personal interpretations of the Bible, people can take an active part by praying out loud or speaking without formal training
Why is non-liturgical worship important for Christians?
Helps build a more personal connection with God as it is more natural whilst maintaining dignity and formality
What is informalworship include an example?
Is a type of non liturgical worship, sometimes 'spontaneous' or 'charismatic' in nature e.g. community or house churches, Quaker worship, Pentecostal Church
What are the features of informal worship?
Has hymns, sermons prayer and readings, but free flowing, community/house churches meat in private homes and share food like early Christians; Quaker worship is mainly silent and they only speak when moved by the Holy spirit; Charismatic meaning led by the holy spirit involves clapping dancing speaking in tongues
How is informal worship important?
Style is similar to that of early Christians, people can play a much more active role, may have an emotional impact with a feeling of personal revelation from God
Why is informal worship important for Christians?
Helps establish genuine connection and helps form a personal relationship with God
What is private worship, including an example?
Is when a believer praises or honours God on his or her own e.g. Individuals spend time alone or with close friend or family to spend time with God
What are the features of private worship?
May involve prayer, meditation. Studying or meditating on a Bible passage. Using aids to worship such as an icon or a rosary (a set of beads used to count prayers)
How is private worship important?
Style is similar to that of early Christians, people can play a much more active role, may have an emotional impact with a feeling of personal revelation from God
Why is private worship important?
Helps establish genuine connection and helps form a personal relationship with God, makes one realise God's omnipresence and allows for peace
How should a Christian pray according to an extract from the Gospel of Luke?
To show humility and modesty when praying 'For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted' -Luke
Give two points with evidence in support of the statement 'Set prayer is more important than informal prayer'
P1: They are the word of God
Ev1: 'The Lord's Prayer' directly from Jesus
P2: Set prayer allows people to recognise and embrace truth of God's message
Ev2: Catholic Grace "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen."
Give two points with evidence in opposition to the statement 'Set prayer is more important than informal prayer'
P1: Both are equally important
Ev2: 'where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them', (Matthew 18:20)
Why do Christians pray?
To gain strength from God
To help be humbled
To seek help and guidance
Tor Praise and Thank God
To seek forgiveness
To build a relationship with God
What is a sacrament?
Rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace, for Catholic Anglicans and Protestants, sacraments are outward signs of inward grace
What is Baptism?
The ritual through which people become mebers of the Church; baptism involves the use of water as a symbol ofthe washing away of sin
Give a quote showing the importance of Baptism?
The Great Commision
What are the reasons for the importance of baptism?
P1: It is instructed in the Bible
ev1: The Great Commission
p2: Jesus did it : 'Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.' Bible
p3: It washes away sin
ev: "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins'' - Bible
What happens in infant baptism?
- The priest or minister pours blessed water over the baby's head and says, 'I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.'
- Godparents and parents promise to bring up the child as a Christian.
- The child is welcomed into the Christian community.
Why is infant baptism important (two PE) ?
P: Sets baby on the correct path
Ev: 'I am the way the truth and the life'' - Bible
P2: Introduces Christian values early in life
ev: 7 gifts of the Holy SPirit
What happens in a believer's baptism?
- The person is fully immersed in a pool which symbolises cleansing from sin and rising to new life in Christ.
- When asked whether they are willing to change their lives, the person gives a brief testimony of their faith in Jesus.
- The person is baptised 'in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Why can it be argued that believer's baptism is more important( two PEs)?
P: It is an active choice which is more important
'Ev: For by grace you have been saved through faith' - Bible
P: It shows true belief
Ev: Babies cannot understand Christian teachings such as 'No one comes to the Father except through me
What is Holy Communion?
A service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread and wine
Give a quote showing the Holy COmmunion?
'For whenever yo eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes' - Bible
How do catholics interpret the Holy Communion and how do Portestants idffer?
Catholics believe that by some miracle the bread and wine become Jesus's blood and body
Protestants believe that they repersent Jesus blood and body
What impact does Holy Communion have on individuals?
Helps receive Gods' grace and strengthens faith helping one become closer to God
What impact does Holy Communion have on communities?
Calls Christians to put the love they experience to God into practice in orser to strengthen community
SHared meal reminds everyone they are equals
What impact does Holy Communion have on society?
Reminds Christians whilst they break bread many have no goof
Encourages equality and justice
Encourages charity
What is the divine liturgy of the Orthodox church?
It is to recreate heaven on Earth. As a result muich of service is on the altar in the sanctuary behind a screen called a iconostasis which divides heaven and Earth.
The priest passes thorugh this using the Royal Doors
Candles and incense ar eused to help feel God's presence
WHat is the liturgy of the word in Orthodox church?
Hymns prayers and reading from the Bible, priest coming through Royal Doors ot chant Gospel; there may be sermon
What is the liturgy of the faithful in Orthodox church summarised ( basically Orhtodox Eucharist?
Priest comes through the Royal Doors receiving wine and bread.
Prayers are said.
Priests goes behind close doors says LAST Supper words to Jesus.
Bread is split and distirubuted
thanksingiving prayer said, people leave with unconserceated bread