Catholic beliefs

Cards (8)

  • SPUC - Pro-life Catholic Charity
    • Oldest campaigning and educational organisation.
    • Founded 1967, oppose abortion bill being debated Parliament.
    • Build abortion free society.
    • Campaign against other life threats (euthanasia) - recognise need consistent life ethic - value all lives equally.
  • Catholics have strong sanctity of life perspective - abortion goes against natural moral law (first precept = preserve life).
  • “Human life must be protected from the moment of conception.”
  • Seen as an intrinsically evil act - grave sin.
  • Each person created imago dei and ensoulment begins at conception.
  • Regarded as murder and goes against Ten Commandments.
  • Church of England allow in some situations.
  • Principle of double effect - saves mother’s life (ectopic pregnancy) but ends embryo’s life = allowed and isn’t abortion