Period of geological time from about 2.6 million years ago to the present. During this period humans began to develop and includes the Pleistocine ice-age and holocene
Albedo affect

A surfaces ability to reflect light
Causes of climate change
F ossil F uels
D eforestation
A griculture
S olar output / S unspots
O rbital T heory
V olcanic E ruptions
Fossil fuels
50 % of greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels
Power stations to produce electricity
Greenhouse gases get trapped in the atmosphere and earth gets hotter
Contributes to 20 % of global greenhouse gasses
Cattle and rice emmit large amounts of methane
More methane in the atmosphere means temperature rises
Caused by magnetic energy inside the sun
When there are more sunspots the temperature is higher
Scientists have identified 11 year sun-spot cycle where number increases from a minimum to maximum
Orbital theory
Milankovitch Cycles
Earth's orbit is eliptical and this shape changes every 100,000 years so distance between earth and sun also changes
Volcanic eruptions
Release ash and gas which forms a blanket around the earth and stops sun getting through so the planet gets colder
Ash is grey so albedo effect
Global temperatures can drop by 0.5 c
65 % of arctic ice cap melted since 1970
Sea levels have risen by 10-20 cm in last 100 years
Effects of climate change
Food and waterinsecurity
Temperature increase
Loss of biodiversity
Health decrease
trying to stopclimate change from happening
E.g. carbon capture and storage, planting trees, alternative energy production, internationalagreements
Making adjustments to our environment as the change takes place
Building sea defences, managing water supplies (recycling rainwater)