Reasons for and effects of internment, escalation of violence, civil rights protests against internment, and Bloody Sunday and responses to it
1. There had been a marked increase in terrorist violence, there was increased pressure from units, the security forces recommended internment, Faulkner wished to appear more tough
2. Most internees were released as arrests were based on outdated information, the vast majority were innocent, there was mistreatment of internees including torture, support for the IRA increased, violence increased, Nationalists SDLP staged a "rents and rates" strike in protest, the abolition of internment became a new cause of the civil rights movement
3. A civil rights march against internment on 30 January 1972 in Derry, British soldiers of the 1st Parachute Regiment opened fire on unarmed civilians, killing 13 people and wounding 13 others (one of whom later died from his wounds)
4. The British government set up the Widgery Inquiry, which exonerated the troops and implicated some of the dead, blaming NICRA for organising the march
5. Unionists blamed Republicans, some Loyalists in Derry celebrated the actions of the British soldiers, in February 1972 different Loyalist groups were coordinated by the Vanguard movement
6. Nationalists felt extremely angry, their alienation and hatred of the security forces reached new heights, there was rioting across the North, recruitment to PIRA reached an all-time high, support for PIRA outside the North increased also, a crowd in Dublin burnt down the British embassy