
Cards (6)

  • background
    • the hippocampus is an important part of the Bain which is involved in memory and navigation
    • case studies of patients who have experienced damage to the hippocampus revealed difficulties in memory
    • research has also shown that animals which migrate or store food have a larger volume relative to their brain and body size
  • aims
    • to investigate the differences in the hippocampi of London taxi drivers compared to controls
    • to further investigate functions of the hippocampus in spatial memory
  • sample
    • 16 male London taxi drivers
    • all right handed
    • between 32 and 62 years old
    • licensed for at least 18 months
    • all mentally and physically healthy
    • sample was compared to a control group of 50 scans from an MRI database
  • procedure
    • they compared the taxi drivers' brain scans to 16 scans from the control group (matched for age)
    • data was collected through pixel counting, where number of pixels in scans of the hippocampus and the main body were collected and compared
    • data was also collected through voxel-based morphometry, an objective 3D measure of the volume of grey matter in the brain, calculated from MRI scans by computer
  • results
    • significantly increased grey matter volume was found in the taxi drivers' brains compared to the controls' in both sides of the posterior hippocampus
    • but they also showed lower volume in the anterior hippocampus
    • length of time spent as a taxi driver correlated positively with volume in the posterior hippocampus
    • length of time spent as a taxi driver correlated negatively with volume in the anterior hippocampus
  • conclusions
    • the study showed regional differences between the hippocampi of London taxi drivers compared to a control group of non-taxi drivers
    • it seems that relying on navigational skills as part of your job is associated with a redistribution of grey matter in the hippocampus