Thesis-1 (beginning or introduction to both poems)
Paragraph 1-context and language techniques(differences or similarities)
Paragraph 2-form
Paragraph 3-structure and the similarities
Theme-conflict between man and nature
"Storm on the Island" - the speaker is an observer who describes what he sees.
"Storm on the Island" - the poem has no title, but it's called "storm on the island". The storm is personified as if it were alive.
"Storm on the Island" - the poet uses metaphors such as "the sea was like a beast", "the windhowled through the trees", "the wavescrashed against the shore", etc.
"Storm on the Island" - the poet uses similes such as "the rain fell down like tears from heaven", "the lightning flashed across the sky like a sword", "the thunder roared like a lion", etc.
"Storm on the Island" - the poet uses similes such as "the rain fell down like tears from heaven". This is an example of hyperbole.
Power of nature poems
The Prelude(stealing the boat)
Storm on the island
Key points of kamikaze
Nature is shown to be powerful, but it's power is not revered/ powerful but admired
Form of kamikaze
Six line stanzas-tight and controlled structure
Freedom of expression-enjambment
Sees beauty of nature
Kamikaze-"built cairns of pearl-grey pebbles"
statue of pebbles that mark graves"cairns" consider the consequences of death because beauty is more powerful
Nature beauty is precious and valuable shouldn't be ended prematurely
Patriotism through Kamikaze
The speaker sees patriotsism within nature"like a huge flag"
Kamikaze and The prelude
Both speakers are forced to reconsider their perspective and consider the power and influence of nature
Form kamikaze paragraph 3
"Her father embarked at sunrise"
Draws the reader and gives impression of adventure or discovery. Imagery about light
"Which had been a better way to die"- it is a metaphor for the slience the father had to endure and emphasizes this regret and how she can't control it
Enjambment-"black crabs, feathery prawns"
Sibilance-" shoals of fish"implies a sense of grace and peacefulness it makes the poem sound emotional
Language techniques kamikaze
"Full of powerfulincantations" patrioticimagery- under the spell of propaganda
"Bunting on a greenblue transuclent sea"-Celebrating the honour he will bring to his community
Summary of The prelude
Wood worth's childhood memory of stealing a boat.
A mountain by the lake grows far bigger than he thinks
He realises the monumental power of the nature the mountain has
Ozymamdias quotations
"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone"
"Shattered visage lies"
"Sneer of cold command"
"Colossal wreck"
"King of kings"
Ozymamdias summary
Concerns the discovery of a semi-destroyed and decaying statue, Ozymamdias and shows how power deteriorates and will not last forever
Radical and romantic poet
Irregular rhyme scheme of Ozymamdias
contrast with single stanza as the former suggests a lack of power and control of the ruler
"boundless and bare" "lone and level"
use of alliteration serves to communicate the vast powerful extent of nature and its ability to outlive forms of power
Ozymamdias as an representation
King George 111
And all figures of power
Fall of the kings influence
Ozymamdias and Tissue
Miss assignment of power to humans, not God
missassignment of power to leaders and individuals not nature
Both show a loss undermining human power
Ozymamdias and My last duchess
Humanity pride is unfounded
Origin of pride is love for oneself and ones power
Pride and power leads to opression/inner conflict
My last duchess quotations
"I gave commands then all smiles stopped together"
"Nine-hundred year old name"
"If they Durst"
Analysis of My last duchess
The poem is an exploration of jealousy and genderedexpectations of women
Summary of my last duchess
The Italian duke who has supposedly killed his first wife.He displays a painting of his dead wife in his house and reveals to a visitor