-gave colonies varying degrees on self rule depending on their ability to sustain themselves. (developments and population)
The mandate system in practice continued colonialism, which sparked decolonization.
Colonial troops fought for their imperial parents' cause, but this time, after the war was over and there appeared to be no clear intention of granting independence, massive anti-imperial movements broke out across the world.
Nations gained their freedom commonly through negotiations and or armed conflict
British official recognize India's independence after WWII due to not being able to afford to keep India under British rule.
Even though the official process of India's independence was negotiated and peaceful, the establishment of India as a new state was fought with incredible violence.
For those colonies in which a large population of European settlers had made their homes, they resisted decolonization and that resistance caused outbreaks of violence in the name of independence.
In some cases colonial boundaries brought rival groups together and in other cases those boundaries split ethnic and religious groups apart.
Muslim League
pushed for their own state in India, led to the partition split into two states. One for Hindus (India), and one for Muslims (Pakistan)
Most were Muslim but the leader was Hindu. India and Pakistan fought for Kashmir for valuable natural resources