Session 11

Cards (70)

  • kinesthetic feedback
    sense of movement and position in joints & tendons
  • internal: proprioceptive feedback

    - information regarding length and tension of muscle and velocity of muscle stretch
    - monitored by muscle spindles
  • muscle spindles
    - sensors of muscle movement; delivery info quickly
    - gamma loop (gives feedback) efferent fibers gobackto the muscles
    - take sensation up to brain where gamma loop signals back down if necessary
    - aids in initial acceleration of movement, overshoot, and tension regulation
    - afferent: from center to periphery
  • levels of feedback awareness
    - both subconscious (still get info since it's a motor pattern that's learned but not aware of it) and conscious sensations (gets to cortex if sensation is strong enough)
  • over-learned pattern

    - speech is an over-learned pattern
    - if a child keeps doing an error incorrectly, it's harder to fix; body will always go to it
  • neural innervation of oral sensations

    - trigeminal (v), facial (vii), glossopharyngeal (ix), accessory (ix), hypoglossal (xii)
  • internal feedback (IF)

    - delivery of info from brain about motor commands prior to motor response itself
    - faster feedback; when a motor skill is repeated, it becomes faster as energy needed decreases and muscles can anticipate
  • purpose of speech models
    - simplify complex phenomena: taking complex information and data and putting into something simpler
    - try to account for data (more it can account for, the stronger the model is)
    - predict experimental results
  • closed loop models (associated chain model)

    - where feedback from periphery was essential in order to move through linguistic string; need the feedback before sending down next signal
    - no data to support this model
    - not enough time for feedback to go from the periphery and back again before next segment
  • open loop models (cone)

    - syllable or linguistic unit is programmed and sent down as unit (peripheral feedback not needed)
    - accounts for coarticulation
  • mixed models (combo)

    - phrase is organized/preprogrammed in the brain, (including suprasegmentals)
    - send down info but also at the periphery can make fine tune adjustments
    - all speech production muscles primed for speech
    - signal sent down to hit certain target area, and gamma feedback loop provides refinement
  • intersubject variability

    - across speakers
    - similar to interstate = across states
  • intrasubject variability

    - within each speaker
  • classes of speech distinctions

    - vowels (easiest to identify)
    - diphthongs (2 vowels)
    - semivowels
    - nasal consonant
    - stop consonants
    - fricative consonants
    - affricate consonants
    - suprasegmental/prosodic features
  • vowels
    - longer duration, intensity, & clearer formants
    - voiced, high-intensity
    - identification relies on 1st and 2nd formants
    - formant transitions to and from neighboring sounds
  • diphthongs
    - easy to identify: voiced, high-intensity sounds
    - 2 vowels; quick shift from one to the next
    - identification based on rapidly changing formant freq. (rapid vocal tract change)
  • semivowels
    - rapidly changing formant frequencies (faster than diphthongs) w vs. j
    - direction of changes in F2 frequency
    - changes in F2 are context dependent (key difference b/w /w/ and /j/)
  • /r/ vs. /l/

    - frequency characteristics of F2, F3
    - context dependent changes in F3: falling and/or rising for /r/; level for /l/
    - main difference is with 3rd formant
  • nasal consonants (manner)

    - low intensity formants caused by anti-resonances
    - nasal murmur (low F1)
    - nasalization of surrounding vowel
    - F1 very low because of longer tube
  • to or from /m/

    - lowest frequency and shortest duraction
  • to or from /n/
    - mid frequency and average duration
  • to and from /ɜ/

    - highest frequency and longest duration
  • where is there more information in a linguistic string?

    - always at the beginning
    - more important as it tells you the most information
  • fricatives
    - presence of an aperiodic source of extended duration caused by forcing airflow through constriction
    - higher frequency noise more forward in vocal tract
    - voiced fricatives have 2 sound sources
  • stops
    - presence of silent/gap
    - transient burst: /p/ - low freq.; /t/ - high freq.
    - shortest to longest VOT: < 25 msec (b,d,g); > 25 msec (p,t,k)
    - place of articulation moves posterior VOT >
    - context dependent patterns of F2 transitions in neighboring vowels
    - presence of aspiration
  • affricates
    - presence of a silent closure interval, transient release burst; rapid rise/fall time
  • voice onset time (VOT)

    length of time between the release of a stop consonant and the onset of vocal cord vibration for the following vowel
  • which feedback mechanism is used the least for speech
  • what is an essential part of duration

  • what is the importance of suprasegmentals
    allows for more context and meaning
  • what is the lumbar effect

    when you increase your vocal intensity when there is more noise
  • what is the purpose of the lumbar effect

    increased vocal intensity so the listener can understand
  • what will most feedback form tactile be from?
    lips and alveolor ridge
  • what are examples of tactile used in speech

    - cheeks
    - lips
    - tongue
    - alveolar ridge
    - palates
  • what does TMJ stand for
  • what is the main joint for kinesthetic feedback
    tmj (temporomandibular joints)
  • what kind of feedback is kinesthetic feedback
    internal feedback
  • what is internal feedback important for

    learning a new language
  • proprioceptive feedback

    information regarding length and tension of muscles, and velocity of muscle stretch
  • proprioceptive word correlation