Food Tests

Cards (12)

  • Benedicts solution used to test for sugars
  • Iodine solution to test for starch
  • Biruet test used for proteins
  • Sudan III test to test for lipids
  • Positive benedicts test is a colour change from blue to green, yellow or brick red
  • Positive solution for iodine is a colour change from browny-orange to black or blue-black
  • Positive biuret test is a colour change from blue to purple
  • A positive Sudan III test is a seperate red layer at the top of liquid
  • Method for Benedicts test:
    • Prepare a food sample and transfer 5cm^3 to a test tube
    • Prepare a water bath and set it to 75 degrees
    • Add some benedicts solution using a pipette
    • Place the test tube into the water bath for 5 minutes, pointing away from you
    • Record the colour change: from blue to green, yellow or red (positive) no colour change = negative
  • Method for Iodine Solution:
    • Make a food sample and transfer 5cm^3 into a test tube
    • Add a few drops to the sample and gentley shake, if starch is present, it will change from browny orange to black
  • Method for Biuret Test:
    • Prepare a sample of 2cm^3 of your food sample
    • Add 2cm^3 of Biuret solution and gently shake it
    • If protein is present, the solution will change from blue to purple
  • Method for Sudan III:
    • Prepare a sample of food, transfer about 5cm^3 of it into a test tube.
    • Use a pipette to add 3 drops of Sudan III solution and gently shake the tube
    • Sudan III stains lipids and the mixture will seperate out into two layers.
    • If lipids are present, the top layer will be bright red