Ch. 2 Research

Cards (22)

  • Unit 2: The Research Process and Ways of Knowing

    This unit focuses on all the elements that influence the choice of a research design. The steps involved in the research process lead to a description of classifications of research studies.
  • The Research Process: Building a Study

    1. Define a research problem
    2. Scan the literature
    3. Determine basic knowledge
    4. Identify existing evidence
    5. Write a research question
    6. Determine an appropriate design
    7. Define a sampling strategy
    8. Collect data
    9. Analyze the data and describe results
    10. Communicate the findings
  • Paradigms in Research

    An overall belief system or way of viewing the nature of reality and the basis of knowledge
  • Considerations in Design Selection

    • Philosophical orientation of the researcher
    • Nature of the research question or problem
    • Skills, abilities, and preferences of the researcher
    • Resources available
    • Access to samples
  • Quantitative Study

    A traditional approach to research where variables are identified and measured in a reliable and valid way
  • Qualitative Study

    A natural approach to research where the focus is understanding the meaning of an experience from the individual's perspective
  • Quantitative Versus Qualitative Characteristics
    • View of reality
    • View of time
    • Context
    • Researcher
    • Populations
    • Measures
    • Observations
    • Design
    • Analysis
    • Generalization
  • Mixed Methods

    Research approach that combines quantitative and qualitative elements; involves the measurable state of a phenomenon and the individual's subjective response to it
  • Research Classifications

    • Basic Research
    • Applied Research
    • Retrospective Study
    • Prospective Study
    • Longitudinal Study
    • Cross-sectional Study
  • Quantitative Studies use as evidence for the effectiveness, efficiency, and value of interventions; influences whether a given action results in a desired outcome
  • Qualitative Studies use as evidence in determining the preferences and values of the patient and practitioner; influences compliance and acceptability of a treatment
  • Mixed Methods enable incorporation of a variety of approaches so the holistic needs of the patient can be addressed, including both physical and psychological responses to treatments
  • A variety of philosophical orientations influence the design of a research study
  • Both qualitative and quantitative research inform nursing practice
  • In either case, research design is systematic and rigorous
  • Research can be classified based on intent, type, and time
  • Basic Research

    theoretical, pure, fundamental, or bench research done to advance knowledge in a given subject area
  • Applied research

    Research to gain knowledge that has a practical application and contributes in some way to a modification of a practice
  • Retrospective study

    Uses secondary data that have already been collected about events that have already happened
  • Prospective study

    Planned by the researcher for collection of primary data for a specific research study; implemented in the future
  • Cross-sectional study

    conducted by looking at a single phenomenon across multiple populations at a single point in time
  • Longitudinal study

    conducted by following subjects over a period of time with data collected at prescribed intervals