Catalysts which speed up a biological reaction but are themselves unchanged by the reaction
Without enzymes, reactions would occur very slowly
Globular proteins composed of one or more polypeptides, their 3D structure is affected by changes in temperature and pH
Enzymes as catalysts
They speed up reactions
They are unchanged by the reactions
The complex network of interdependent and interacting chemical reactions occurring in living organisms
Role of enzymes in metabolism
They carefully control the different metabolic reactions (anabolic and catabolic)
Enzymes are specific to their substrate, so a large number of enzymes are required in organisms
The use of enzymes in organisms makes biochemical reactions happen faster, making a lot of processes more efficient
Anabolic reactions
Building up complex molecules from simpler ones
Catabolic reactions
Breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones
Catabolic reactions
Digestion of food
Cell respiration
Decomposition of complex carbon compounds
A globular protein which acts as a catalyst for biochemical reactions
Active site
A region on the surface of an enzyme to which substrates bind and which catalyzes the reaction
The active site is composed of a few amino acids and binds to a specific substrate
Enzyme-substrate specificity
The 3D structure of the active site is specific to the substrate, and the chemical properties of substrate and enzyme attract through opposite charges
Enzyme activity
1. Substrate(s) bind to active site
2. Bonds in substrate are stressed or weakened
3. Products separate from active site
Molecular motion
The movement of enzymes and substrates which causes collisions between molecules
All metabolic reactions occur in an aqueous solution, which enables dissolved molecules to have continual motion
The speed of movement is affected by the molecule's size - substrates are usually smaller than enzymes, so their movement is faster
The correct alignment and angle between substrate and enzyme affects the success of the collision
Changes in pH or temperature that alter the 3D structure of the enzyme, compromising enzyme-substrate specificity
As temperature increases
The rate of reaction increases as molecules have more kinetic energy, but above the optimum temperature enzymes denature
As pH changes from the optimum
The structure of the enzyme (including the active site) is altered, causing denaturation
As substrate concentration increases
The rate of reaction increases, but at the optimum concentration all active sites are full and working at maximum efficiency
Activation energy
The minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur
Enzymes lower the activation energy by weakening bonds already, so less energy is needed for an exothermic reaction to occur
After the products have been formed, energy is released
Uses of enzymes in industry
Food industry
Brewing industry
Paper production
Measuring enzyme-catalysed reactions
1. Draw a tangent to the curve at a specified time to determine the rate
2. The shape of the curve indicates the rate is fastest at the start and slows down as the reaction proceeds
Intracellular and extracellular enzyme-catalysed reactions
Enzyme catalysed reactions can take place inside or outside of cells
Krebs cycle inside mitochondria
Digestion of food in the small intestine
Intracellular enzyme-catalysed reactions
Often inside organelles (e.g. mitochondria, nucleus) cytoplasm or bound to membranes where reactions are catalyzed by enzymes produced by free ribosomes in the cell
Extracellular enzyme-catalysed reactions
Exoenzymes synthesized by the rER which are released from glands or specialized cells into the interior of an organ catalyzing the breakdown of larger macromolecules into monomers
Metabolic reactions often result in the release of heat energy
The additional energy is converted to heat
Birds and mammals
Use the heat energy to maintain a body temperature greater than their environment
Birds and mammals
Emperor penguins huddle together in groups to take advantage of the metabolic heat released by their neighbours
Brown fat cells in adipose tissue
Contains more mitochondria than white fat cells or any other body tissue, allowing more energy to be generated through uncoupled respiration (without the production of ATP)