Key Question 3- how effective did Britain prepare for war?

Cards (41)

  • Threat from Germany
    1933 January- Hitler became chancellor of Germany
  • Threat from Germany
    Germany policy changed- seen as threat to the world
  • Threat from Germany
    Hitler promised to keep treaty of Versailles
  • Threat from Germany
    built up strength of German forces
  • Threat from Germany
    allowed only 100,000 soldiers - TOV
  • Threat from Germany 

    March 1938- remilitarised Rhineland- violation of TOV
  • Threat from Germany
    September- turned attention to Czechoslovakia
  • Threat from Germany
    3 million German speakers in Sudetenland
  • Threat from Germany
    Munich conference 1938- Hitler and chamberlain resulted in Sudetenland given to Hitler if he made no demands
  • Threat from Germany
    1st September 1939- Germany invaded Poland
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    Horrors of WW1 still stuck in peoples minds
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    many wanted to avoid war at all costs
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    Believed german has been treated to harshly after WW1
  • Britains policy of appeasement 

    Willing to accept Hitlers earlier actions
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    Time of the great depression- people struggling with poverty sn
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    Government wanted to avoid war- costly
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    chamberlain followed POA in hope war could be avoided/stopped
  • Britains policy of appeasement 

    Allowed Hitler to make demands
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    made Britain look weak
  • Britains policy of appeasement 

    Allowed Germany to expand
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    Churchill wanted to see the end if the policy
  • Britains policy of appeasement
    invasion of Poland saw end of policy and Britain declared war on Germany
  • Preparations for war
    Took place in 1938 and 1939
  • Preparations for war
    new worships being built
  • Preparations for war

    British public informed about rationing, blackouts, gas masks and evacuation
  • Preparations for war
    RAF were trained well with good aircrafts
  • Preparations for war
    encouraged to start planting vegetables
  • Preparations for war
    working regulations and wages discussed with trade unions.
  • Preparations for war
    1937- air raid wardens created
  • Preparations for war
    1939- 200,000 people had joined- 1.5 million enrolled
  • Preparations for war
    radar had been developed which could detect air craft by radio
  • Preparations for war
    Barrage balloons place in skies above London to stop German bombs from coming too low
  • Preparations for war
    anti-aircraft guns were also built to limit damage
  • Preparations for war
    Military training act 1939- compulsory for men, 20 and 22 joined armed forces
  • Preparations for war
    September 1939- 18 and 41. end of 1939- over 15 million men
  • Preparations for war
    home guard put in place from 1940 onwards
  • Preparations for war
    volunteers who were armed and trained defended British towns
  • Treaty of Versailles- 1919

    peace agreement that marked the end of WW1
  • Treaty of Versailles- 1919

    No Germans were invited to the conference but were expected to agree and sign treaty- later made Germans resent the treaty as they felt that it was made about them and not with them
  • Treaty of Versailles- the terms
    • The Rhineland was demilitarised
    • Germany had to accept full blame for war
    • had to pay full reparations for damage caused by war- £6.6 billion
    • only aloud to have 100,000 soldiers, no tanks, no air force and their navy could only have 6 battleships