Grid Efficiency (Functional Factors)

Cards (8)

  • What is Grid Efficiency?
    • Describes the ability of the grid to absorb scatter radiation.
    • There are 2 physical and 3 functional factors that affect grid efficiency
  • What 2 physical and 3 functional factors affect grid efficiency?
    Physical Factors:
    1. Grid Ratio
    2. Grid Frequency
    Functional Factors:
    1. Selectivity
    2. Contrast Improvement factor (K)
    3. Bucky Factor (B)
  • Selectivity refers to the grids ability to discriminate scatter radiation from the primary beam
    • the greater the selectivity, the greater the grids efficiency
    • ex) 16:1 grid ratio will have better selectivity than 8:1
  • Contrast improvement factor (K) measures the ability of the grid to improve contrast
    • higher grid ratios will have higher (K)
    • ex) 16:1 grid ratio will have a higher contrast improvement factor compared to 8:1 grid ratio
  • Bucky Factor (B) defines the requirement for increasing exposure factors to maintain the same density with the use of a grid
    • The higher the grid ratio, the higher the bucky factor
    • The bucky factor, is often used in clinical situations where mAs or kV is manipulated to compensate for different grid ratios
  • Bucky Factor
  • Example: A radiograph without a grid requires 110kV at 2.0mAs. If a 16:1 grid is used, what would be the new exposure factors?
    • 16:1 is 6X mAs
    • 2mAs x 6= 12 mAs