Ethers, Epoxides and Sulphates

Cards (31)

  • Ethers
    Compounds with a general formula of R-O-R' where R and R' are alkyl or aryl groups. They may be symmetrical or unsymmetrical.
  • Ethers
    • Bent structure like water with sp3 hybridized oxygen atom
    • C-O-C bond angle is about 110°
    • Contain polar C-O bonds
    • Highly polar, even though they lack the polar hydroxyl group of alcohols
  • Tetrahydrofuran (THF)

    A strongly polar ether solvent without the reactivity of a hydroxyl group
  • Boiling points of ethers

    • Similar to those of alkanes of comparable molecular weight
    • Pure ethers cannot engage in hydrogen bonding as they lack O-H groups
    • But they have large dipole moments which have relatively little effect on their boiling point
  • Hydrogen bonding of ethers

    Ethers can engage in hydrogen bonding with compounds containing O-H or N-H groups, but not with other ether molecules
  • Solvation of ions by ethers

    • Ionic substances like lithium iodide are moderately soluble in ethers due to solvation of the cation by the ether's lone pairs
    • Unlike alcohols, ethers cannot serve as hydrogen-bond donors so they do not solvate small anions well
  • Crown ethers

    • Cyclic polyethers that specifically solvate metal cations by complexing the metal in the center of the ring
    • Different crown ethers solvate different cations depending on their relative sizes and number of binding sites
  • Ethers as solvents

    • Dissolve a wide range of polar and nonpolar substances
    • Easily evaporate from reaction products due to low boiling points
    • Nonpolar substances are more soluble in ether than in alcohol
    • Polar substances are nearly as soluble in ether as in alcohol
    • Effectively solvate cations due to large dipole moments and ability to serve as hydrogen bond acceptors
  • Why ethers are used as solvents for strong bases

    • Alcohols cannot be used as they are quickly protonated by strong bases, destroying the reagent
    • Ethers are nonhydroxylic and normally unreactive towards strong bases like Grignard reagents
  • Naming of simple ethers
    • Name the two alkyl groups attached to the oxygen and add the word "ether"
    • Groups are named in alphabetical order
    • Symmetrical ethers can use "dialkyl" or just "alkyl"
  • Naming of ethers with other functional groups

    The ether part is named as an alkoxy substituent
  • Cyclic ethers

    • Heterocyclic compounds containing a ring with a non-carbon atom (usually oxygen)
    • The heteroatom is numbered 1 in the ring
    • Generally behave like acyclic ethers
  • Epoxides
    Three-membered-ring ethers that are much more reactive than other ethers due to the strain of the ring
  • Synthesis of epoxides

    Using peroxyacids, most commonly meta-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (MCPBA)
  • Reactions of epoxides

    1. With Grignard and organolithium reagents to give ring-opened alcohols
    2. With lithium aluminium hydride to reduce to alcohols
  • Oxetanes
    • Four-membered cyclic ethers that are more reactive than larger cyclic ethers and open-chain ethers, but less reactive than epoxides
  • Furans
    Five-membered cyclic ethers, including the saturated tetrahydrofuran (THF) which is an excellent nonhydroxylic organic solvent
  • Pyrans
    Six-membered cyclic ethers, also referred to as oxanes
  • Dioxanes
    • Heterocyclic ethers with two oxygen atoms in a six-membered ring
    • Most are toxic and carcinogenic
  • Synthesis of ethers
    1. Williamson method
    2. Addition of an alcohol across a double bond (alkoxymercuration-demercuration)
    3. Bimolecular condensation of alcohols (industrial method)
  • Williamson ether synthesis

    Two-step process involving an SN2 attack of an alkoxide on an unhindered primary alkyl halide or tosylate
  • Williamson ether synthesis
    • Examples of the reaction
  • Phenyl ethers

    Phenoxide ions are easily produced and can be used in the Williamson synthesis, but phenyl halides or tosylates cannot
  • Alkoxymercuration-demercuration

    Adds an alcohol molecule across the double bond of an alkene to produce an ether
  • Industrial synthesis of ethers

    1. Acid-catalyzed bimolecular condensation of primary alcohols to make symmetrical ethers
    2. Not a good method for making unsymmetrical ethers
  • Cleavage of ethers

    1. Can be cleaved by heating with HBr or HI to give alkyl halides
    2. Hydrogen iodide is most reactive, hydrogen fluoride is not reactive
  • Phenyl ether cleavage

    Phenol cannot react further to become a halide because an SN2 reaction cannot occur on a sp2 carbon
  • Autoxidation of ethers
    Slow oxidation in the presence of atmospheric oxygen to produce explosive hydroperoxides and dialkyl peroxides
  • Sulfides (thioethers)

    Compounds with the general formula R-S-R', analogous to ethers but with sulfur instead of oxygen
  • Synthesis of sulfides

    Treating an alkyl halide with a thiolate ion, similar to the Williamson ether synthesis
  • Thiols and thiolates

    • Thiols (RSH) are the sulfur analogues of alcohols, with the SH group called a mercapto group
    • Thiolates are easily synthesized using the Williamson ether synthesis with a dithiolate nucleophile