909,000 prosecution in England and Wales criminal courts (June 2021)
Magistrates do not have an 84% conviction rate - could be viewed as an success
CPS - Weaknesses
CPS brings an independent element to the charging and the prosecution of offenders works with the police to bring about social control
Full Code Test = Provides a uniform and fair approach to its role and allows a dueprocessmodel of justice to be implemented
CPS - Strengths
It has been fundingproblems and criticisms that it had been centralised, bureatic, ineffective and too close to the police
Sir Iain Glidewell produced a report in 1998 stating that the organisation lacked effectiveness and efficiency and particularly referred to the number of judge - ordered acquittals of defendants being far too high
CPS - Weaknesses
2020, Kevin McGiny, HM ChiefInspector of the CPS, said the underlying problem was a lack of resources
CPS had been struggling with its case load without having the number of lawyers needed to do it