Jewish beliefs

Cards (8)

    • Tend to be against abortion
    • Life = God’s greatest gift, should be preserved (all costs)
    • God = creator, only he should take life
    • Destroying life = terrible crime
    • May be permitted in some situations - mother’s life at threat, rape, incest
    • Mother’s life = more important than foetus, so if endangered, they’d insist on abortion, save life
  • Not forbidden, but only permitted for serious reasons.
  • Every case should be considered carefully - decision should be made after speaking to a Rabbi.
  • Foetus isn’t considered a person in Jewish law til born.
  • PIKUACH NEFESH - principle allowing life of mother be taken priority and be saved.
  • Mishnah (important collection Hewish writings) says, abortion can only take place when foetus is inside womb - once born, becomes a pearson in its own rights (right to life)
  • Attitudes to abortion differ.