Biology topic 2

Cards (32)

  • Structure of the nervous sytem ?

    sight smell taste touch hear
  • Stimulus ?
    change in the environment
  • Reflex action ?

    Automatic and rapid responses to the nervous system to a stimulus.
  • Reflexes ?
    Rapid responses to a stimulus for protection.
  • Reflex arc ?
    A chain of 3 neurones
  • Structure of skin (5)
    Hair, Erector muscles, sweat duct, sweat pore, sweat gland, capillary network
  • Negative feedback ?
    reduces the stimulus and balances the system.
  • Homoestasis
    Regulates blood glucose
  • Insulin
    Causes liver to take up excess glucose from the blood and stores it
  • Glucagon
    Responses to low blood glucose
  • Human nervous system
    Made of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Information gets travelled through the nervous system as electrical impulses along neurones.
  • Central nervous system
    Brain + spinal cord
  • Neurone
    Cells which carry electrical impulses.
  • Types of neurones
    1. Sensory
    2. Motor
    3. Relay
  • Synapse
    A gap between neurones.
  • Reaction time
    Time taken to react to a stimulus.
  • 4 factors needed to keep constant levels inside the body
    1. Temperature
    2. Blood glucose
    3. water levels
    4. salts and ions
  • What happens when your skin is too hot ?
    Hair goes flat
    Goes red
    Blood vessels expand
  • What happens to skin when too cold?
    Hair goes up
    Goes blue
    Blood vessels tighten
  • Glucose?

    Type of sugar
  • Hormones
    Send chemical messengers around the body
  • Two types of hormones
    1. Insulin
    2. Glucagon
  • When blood glucose is too high what is added ?
  • When blood glucose is too low what is added ?
  • What does the pancreas do ?

    Monitors blood glucose levels and makes insulin
  • Diabetes?
    Unable to control their blood glucose levels
  • Sensory neurones
    Carry nerve impulses towards the CNS
  • Motor neurones
    Carry nerve impulses away from the CNS
  • Relay neurones
    Carry nerve impulses within the CNS
  • Nervous system stages
    Stimulus - Receptor - Sensory neurone - relay neurone - motor neurone - effector - response
  • Homozygous
    Genotype in which the two alleles are identical
  • Heterozygous
    Genotype in which the two alleles are different