meritocracy is nothing but ideology and the workingclass are made to believe that the middleclass reached their goals through meritocracy. They argue that education plays a huge part in this and can lead to a falseclassconsciousness
Who talks about the Myth of Meritocracy
Bowles & Gintis
Rich minority ruling class
poor majority class in society
What does Althusser argue about ?
the bourgeoisie maintain their power through the ISAs(Ideological State Apparatuses) & RSAs(Repressive State Apparatuses)
RSAs (Repressive State Apparatuses)
a socialinstitution whose role it is to enforce the dominantideology by force or threat e.g. army:guns/weapons, court:consequences/sentencing
a socialinstitution whose main roles is to passon the dominantideology of the rulingclass e.g. hiddencurriculum/secondarysocialisation: respect to authority in school/ you learn to obey authority in a workplace
Correspondance Principle
where school mirrors the workplace
who talks about the correspondance principle
bowles & gintis
what do Bowles & gintis argue about what workforce capitalism requires
a hardworking, compliant, and obedient workforce (prepared through the hidden curriculum)
poor-are-dumb theory
where the poor blame themselves for their failure
who talks about the poor-are-dumb theory?
Bowles &Gintis
The cultural set of norms, values, experiences and skills within a social group - class/ethnicity/gender/age
an individual possessing attributes and knowledge that provide an advantage in achieving higher in education
What does Bourdieu talk about
Cultural Capital & Habitus
Evaluation of the ISAs(Ideological State Apparatuses)
the working class (proletariat) are not passivepuppets of the hidden curriculum as proven by students who rebel
Who says that the working class are not passive puppets of the hidden curriculum?
False class consciousness
when the proletariat do not know they are being exploited by the bourgeoisie
lessons that are learnt but not taught in education