Measure of how difficult it is for charge carriers to pass through a component
R = V/I
Ohm's law
For an ohmic conductor, current is directly proportional to the potential difference
Current voltage graphs for...
an ohmic conductor:
Current-voltage graph for...
a diode
Current-voltage graph for...
a filament lamp
Usually ammeters can be assumed to have...
0 resistance
Usually volt meters can be assumed to have...
infinite resistance (so no current can flow so the measurement of pd across a component is exact)
Resistivity (ρ)
Measure of how easily a material conducts electricity
The product of resistance and cross-sectional area divided by the length of the material
Resistivity is also dependent on...
environmental factors such as temperature
Equation for resistivity
ρ = RA/L
When the temperature of a metal conductor increases...
Its resistance will increase
Opposite from metal conductors. As temperature increases, resistance decreases because increasing temperature causes electrons to be emitted from atoms, so number of charge carriers increases so current increases causing resistance to decrease.
Temperature-resistance graph of...
a thermistor
Application of a thermistor...
In circuits as a temperature sensor e.g. turn the heating on below a certain temperature. It can trigger an event to occur when the temperature reaches a certain value.
Materials which below a certain temperature (known as the critical temperature) has zero resistivity .
Most critical temperatures...
lie close to 0k (-273 degrees C)
Graph of resistance and temperature for a superconductor
Applications of superconductors
Power cables - reduce energy loss through heating during transmission.
Strong magnetic fields which would not require a constant power source. Used in maglev trains and in MRI
Adding resistors in series...
Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3
Adding resistors in parallel...
1/Rtotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
Power equations
P = IV = 1^2R = V^2/R
P = E/T and P x t = E so
E = VIt
In series...
Current is the same everywhere
pd is shared
In parallel...
Current is shared
pd in each branch is the same
When joining cells in series
Vtotal = V1 + V2 + V3
When joining cells in parallel
Vtotal = V1 = V2 = V3
In DC circuits...
Charge and energy are always conserved
Kirchhoff's first law
total current flowing into a junction is equal to the total current flowing out of that junction (no charge is lost)
Kirchhoff's 2nd law
Sum of all the voltages in a series circuit is equal to the battery voltage (no energy is lost)
Potential divider
A circuit with several resistors in series connected across a voltage sourced used to produce a fraction of the source pd
Light dependent resistor
Resistance decreases as light intensity increases
Internal resistance (r)
Is caused by electrons colliding with atoms inside the battery.
can be represented by a resistor inside the battery
Electromotive force
energy transferred by a cell per coulomb of charge that passes through it
emf = E/Q
Rtotal = R + r
emf = IR + Ir = I(R + r) = V + Ir
terminal pd
pd across the terminals of a battery
r =
the lost volts = energy wasted by the cell per coulomb of charge