Line 1: 300k ordinary business income same as page 1 of 1065
Line 5: Interest income 5k (amount in bank account) separate items of passthrough for each partner share reported on K1
Line 6: ordinary dividends - corp owns stock and are separate items of passthrough for each partner share reported on K1. Qualified at preferential tax rate. Not qualified at marginal tax rate
Line 8: (10K) net short term gain/loss schedule D, investments not part of partnership, separate items of passthrough for each partner share reported on K1
Line 9: (15k) net long term gain/loss schedule D, investments not part of partnership, separate items of passthrough for each partner share reported on K1
Line 13A charitable contributions are separate items of passthrough for each partner share reported on K1
Line 13b: investment interest expense: borrow money to purchase stock the interest will be an investment and only deductible to the extent to investment income
Line 14a net earnings from self-employment, a partner cannot be an employee of a partnership, instead self-employment tax higher than income tax, if passive partner no self employed
Line 18a tax-exempt interest income ->reported to the partner
18c no deducted expenses->reported to the partner
19a distributions of other property