a polyatomic molecule is three or more atoms covalently bonded together
a compound is two or more different elements chemicallybonded together in fixed proportions
a mixture is a substance that contains two or more substances that are not chemically combined
isotopes are atoms of the sameelement with different numbers of neutrons
Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table
group 1 elements are alkali metals
as you go down group 1
the reactivity increases
why does the reactivity increase as you go down group 1?
as more shells increase, the atom gets larger. so the outermost electron gets further from the nucleus and the attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electron gets weaker. this means the electron is more easily lost, hence the increase in reactivity.
why do alkali metals become more reactive as you go down the group?
as you go down group 1, the atoms radius gets bigger so the outermost electron gets further away from the nucleus. so, as this positive nucleus is the only thing holding the outermost electron in place, the increased distance weakens the attractive force.
elements in the middle of the periodic table are called transitionmetals
group 7 elements are halogens
as you go down group 7
the reactivity decreases and melting/boling point increases
why does the reactivity decrease as you go down group 7?
as you go down group 7, the number of shells increase, so the outermost electron gets further away from the positive nucleus. so the attractive force (that's needed to pull in an extra electron from another atom) gets weaker. this makes it harder to gain another electron.
displacement reaction
when a less reactive metal is displaced by its compound by a more reactive metal
group 0 elements
noble gases as you go down the group:
boiling point increases
John Daltons theory (1800s)
John Dalton described atoms as solid spheres and said the differentsizedspheres make up the differentelements.