Cards (26)

  • What was the doctrine for McDonald v. Chicago
    Selective incorporation
  • How was the right to bear arms incorporated into state legislature
    The due process clause of the 14th amendment
  • What amendment was applied to the states in Gideon v. Wainwright?
    6th amendment: Right to counsel
  • Constitutional issue of Brown v. Board of Education:
    The equal protection clause prohibits segregation based on race because separation creates inherent inequality
  • Why was Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka chosen to enter the supreme court?
    Because they had separate but equal facilities
  • What court case did Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka overturn?
    Plessy v. Ferguson
  • What is Title IX?
    A civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities
  • What is front loading?
    The state's tendency to hold caucuses or primaries early in the year
  • 26th amendment

    Must be over 18 to participate in elections
  • what is rational choice voting?
    Based on the individual's best self-interest
  • 24th amendment

    Ended poll tax
  • 17th amendment

    established popular election of U.S senators
  • The Gun-Free Schools Zone Act was created under
    The commerce clause
  • Define establishment clause
    Prohibits the government from "establishing" religion
  • Constitution question of Tinker v. Des Moines
    Is symbolic speech protected by the 1st amendment
  • NY Times v. United states established
    Prior restraint, in regards to the 1st amendment's freedom of the press
  • In Schenk v. United States, was the Espionage Act of 1917 a violation of the 1st amendment?
    No, because it was a time of war
  • What doctrine was present in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka?
    Separate but equal doctrine
  • What did Baker v. Carr establish?
    "One person, one vote": equal representation
  • Main idea of Federalist 10
    The violence of factions
  • In federalist 10, what is Madison's solutions to factions?
    Remove the cause (which threatens liberty) or control their effects through a republic (competition and population)
  • What is Brutus 1 about?
    Confederacy is better than a republic
  • What was federalist 51 about?
    Separation of powers and checks and balances
  • Iconic theme of Federalist 51
    Men & angels
  • What was federalist 70 about?
    The need for a unitary executive
  • what was federalist 78 about
    Judicial appointments, terms, and judicial review