Zero Tolerance

Cards (8)

  • What does Zero Tolerance demand?

    That all crimes are acted on no matter how trivial they are.
  • Who is Zero Tolerance favoured by?
    Right realists
  • Where is it successful?
    New York
  • What did NYPD use before zero Tolerance?
    Computers to analyse crime hot spots
  • Use of Zero Tolerance in UK
    Used in Kings Cross, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough and Strathclyde.
  • What is the strategy of Zero Tolerance based on?

    Broken windows theory. Signs of public decay creat public disinterest. Should be acted upon to prevent further crime occurring.
  • Strengths of Zero Tolerance
    Strength - Crime fell by 39% and murder by 49% in New York since 1993. Similar results seen in UK. Strength - Works well in heavily populated areas with high policing levels and large amounts of petty crime.
  • Limitations of Zero Tolerance
    Limitation - Accusations of heavy-handedness by police.
    Limitation - Long term affects of the policy are unknown.