That all crimes are acted on no matter how trivial they are.
Who is Zero Tolerance favoured by?
Right realists
Where is it successful?
New York
What did NYPD use before zero Tolerance?
Computers to analyse crime hot spots
Use of Zero Tolerance in UK
Used in Kings Cross, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough and Strathclyde.
What is the strategy of Zero Tolerance based on?
Broken windows theory. Signs of public decay creat public disinterest. Should be acted upon to prevent further crime occurring.
Strengths of Zero Tolerance
Strength - Crime fell by 39% and murder by 49% in New York since 1993. Similar results seen in UK. Strength - Works well in heavily populated areas with high policing levels and large amounts of petty crime.
Limitations of Zero Tolerance
Limitation - Accusations of heavy-handedness by police.
Limitation - Long term affects of the policy are unknown.