Cards (7)

  • Stereotype of women
    Married. Housewife, stay at home to look after the children while the husband went to work.
    Unmarried women were often employed in a service such as teaching, waitressing, cooking.
  • Suffragette movement
    Fought for the right to vote, women rebelled against marriage, seeking education and equality.
  • Women's rights in 1928
    Support for equality from both men and women meant that women received the right to vote.
  • Women's rights in WW2
    With the advent of war, women had to fill many roles traditionally occupied by men.
  • Women's rights in 1960s
    Women's Liberation movement helped many changes come about through their policies and radical thinking.
    Policies concerning equality introduced by many governments and touched upon education, discrimination, and employment.
  • Women's rights in 1970
    Equal Pay Act 1970 made it illegal to pay women lower rates than men for the same work.
  • Women's rights in 1975
    Sex Discrimination Act 1975 made it illegal to discriminate against women in work, education, and training.