an outpouching of endodermal epithelium in the center of the pharyngeal floor, between the 4th pair of pharyngealpouches that extends ventrally
what does the laryngotracheal groove bifurcate into?
branches that form the pairedbronchi and lungs
what is a tracheal-esophageal fistula?
connection between gut tube and the respiratory tube
what has to be blocked in order to specify the epithelium of the esophagus ?
wnt activity
what is the role of the transcription factor barx1 in the differentiating the esophagus and trachea?
produces the wnt-blocking soluble frizzled-related proteins (SFRP)
is the 3D branching pattern of the mammalian lung "random"?
what are the 3 different modes of bronchial epithelial branching?
how do we know that smooth muscle is involved in forcing the bifurcation of the mouse lung?
pharmalogical disruption of the differentiation prevents terminal branching
How is the process different in birds in regards to bifurcation?
branch points are built off of a parental branch by triggering localized apicalconstriction which forces a new bud to form (cell shape change that promotes tissue remodeling)