Life is gift from God, so is precious and holy - should be respected from contraception to natural death.
Deliberate killing (euthanasia + assisted suicide), seen as going against sanctity of life - against Ten Commandments (“Do not murder”).
Palliative care = suitable alternative to euthanasia- can reduce pain and maintain dignity
Catholic tradition teaches, suffering has purpose in helping us to learn about ourselves.
Catholic Church supports hospice movement - provide palliative care and support for dying person and their families - help ease pain of death and allow to come to terms with death.
Some places, Catholic Church set up their own hospices - patients can receive palliative care needed, along with spiritual guidance and care - prepare for end of their lives.
E.g. City Hospice, Cardiff
One of seven sacraments in Catholic Church.
Sacrament of healing , celebrate the healing power of Jesus.
This sacrament unties a sick person’s suffering with that if Jesus and brings forgiveness of sins.
Sacrament given by priest to il, elderly, nearing death - can be administered more than once and provides strength, comfort, hope for those who receive.
Illegal in UK, legal in Switzerland - when person asks to die as they are terminally ill or in pain.
“Euthanasia is a violation of the law of God” - Pope John Paul II