Cards (4)

  • Support – dual task – Hitch and Baddeley (1976) showed the central executive is one of the components of the working memory as they found it harder to do 2 tasks involving the CE rather than one CE and AP = supports idea of multiple components in STM
  • Strength of case studies - Shallice and Warrington (1970) studied a man called KF whose shortterm forgetting of auditory information was much greater than that of visual stimuli, but only for verbal not sounds = damage to the phonological loop
  • Limitation of case studies – individuals may have other difficulties and more trauma = unable to conclude a causal relationship between brain regions and types of LTM
  • Weakness - central executive is too vague - Eslinger and Damasio studied EVR, who had a cerebral tumour removed. Although he performed well on reasoning, he had poor decisionmaking skills = the function of the EX is more complex than originally thought and may consist of subcomponents