What is the difference between speed and velocity Speedisascalarquantityasit only hasa magnitude Velocityisavectorquantityasithasbothamagnitude and adirection
What is the difference between distance and displacement Distanceisascalarquantityasitonlyhasmagnitude Displacement istheshortestdistancebetweenthestartandtheendpoints
What is the formula for velocity Velocity= displacement /time
What's the speed of sound in air 330m/s
What is the approximate speed of walking 1.5m/s
What is the approximate speed of running 3m/s
What's the approximate speed of cycling 6m/s
What's the approximate speed of a car 25m/s
What's the approximate speed of a train 55 m/s
What's the approximate speed of an aeroplane 250m/s
Define a scalar quantity Scalarquantityonlyhasamagnitudeanddoesnothaveadirection
Define a vector quantity Vectorquantitieshavebothdirectionand magnitude