the last glacial maximum was 22thousand years ago and the first interglacial period was 120thousand years ago
plucking occurs when thewateratthebottomoftheglacierfreezesontothevalleybaseandastheglaciermovestherockispulledawayfromit
abrasion occurs when therockscarriedbytheglaciergrindatthebaseofthevalley
freeze thaw weathering occurs when watergetsintocracksinarockandexpands, causingthecracktowiden.whentheicemeltsmorewatermakesitswayinto the deepenedcrackandrepeats
a corrie is an arm-shapedvalley formed by glaciers
an arete is a sharpridge formed betweentwoormorecorries back toback
when threeormorecorries erode a mountain back to back, the aretes form a pyramidalpeak
avalanches are formed when snow is compressed and becomes unstable
avalanches can be managed using fences, warningsystems and a trainedrescueteam