Cards (13)

  • Different types of staking
    • Slanting Mesh
    • Vertical Mesh Method
    • Single String Method
    • Parallel String Method
    • Single Pole Support Method
    • Spiny Stick Support Method
  • Slanting Mesh
    • The staking part of this method can be constructed with the use of pole bamboo and tree stems
  • Single String
    • It is constructed either in a bar of iron, wood or bamboo placed on the two posts
  • Vertical Mesh
    • This is similar to slanting method it is constructed with two adjacent posts while a bar is placed where the crop is expected to climb
  • Parallel String
    • This method is attached to a vertical poles where the crops to be supported are in between the strings
  • Single Pole Support
    • This method the pole is erected aside a plant and the plant is tied vertically to the pole
  • Spiny Stick Support

    • It is similar to the single pole support method their difference is the pole used has long spines with the plant to be supported
  • Staking
    Inserting a stake beside a plant in order to provide it with support while it grows
  • Types of plants that need to be staked
    • Flowering Perennials
    • Top heavy houseplants
    • Vegetables
    • Saplings
  • Flowering Perennials
    A plant that lives more than two years
  • Top heavy houseplants

    Pose a danger to themselves and also to people if they fall from a balcony or other high area. High winds can also cause a top-heavy plant to topple. If a plant tips over, it may be so damaged that you can't save it
  • Vegetables
    Parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. The original meaning is still commonly used and is applied to plants collectively to refer to all edible plant matter, including the flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, roots, and seeds
  • Saplings
    Young trees that have grown to a diameter of between 1 to 5 inches and have reached a height of at least 4½ feet. Tree saplings can be packaged in the form of root balls, burlap-wrapped, bare-root plants, or in containers