Cards (48)

  • The shaking of the ground caused by the tremendous release of energy due to pressure in Earth’s crust.
  • The origin at which the earthquake occurs
  • The point directly above the focus on the surface
  • The slipping of a block of Earth's crust with another block
  • 2 forms of body waves:
    • Primary wave
    • Secondary wave
  • This form of body wave travels through the interior of Earth and through solid and fluid materials
    Primary wave
  • This form of body wave travels through solid materials only within the interior of the earth.
    Secondary waves
  • These are waves that occur on the surface of the lithosphere
    Surface waves
  • 2 forms of surface waves:
    • Love wave
    • Rayleigh wave
  • This wave sweeps the surface in a side-to-side movement, similar to how a snake moves on the ground.
    Love wave
  • This wave shakes the ground in an up-and-down movement, similar to the wave that you see in the ocean.
    Rayleigh wave
  • An instrument that detects and measures seismic waves.
  • It is an internal part of the seismograph
  • It is the quantitative measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake. It is measured using a seismograph.
  • The most common scale for the magnitude of an earthquake.
    Richter scale
  • The process wherein magma escapes from Earth’s interior to form cool and hard rocks
  • A landform with an opening at its tip.
  • It is when lava flows on the surface of the earth
    Extrusive Volcanism
  • This is when lava flow doesnt reach the earth's surface
    intrusive volcanism
  • It is the magma's ability to flow
  • These are volcanoes that arise from the excretion of magma to the mantle 

  • 2 types of lava flow:
    • aa
    • pahoehoe
  • A type of lava flow that exhibits smooth-surfaced characteristics
  • A type of lava flow that is rough and jagged, and is dangerous due to its sharp edges
  • The process of mountain building
  • It refers to a large surface feature that rises above its relative.
  • A series of mountain chains
    mountain range
  • Stages of mountain ranges:
    1. accumulation of sediments
    2. an orogenic period of rock deformation and crustal uplift
    3. a period of crystal uplift caused by isostatic rebound and block faulting
  • Types of mountain building:
    • Island arc-type
    • Andean-type
    • continental volcanic arc
  • This type of mountain building occurs when two oceanic plates converge, and as the leading plate subducts from the other, the plate piles up, forming volcanic island arcs that consist of igneous and metamorphic rocks
    Island arc
  • This type of mountain building is caused by the compression of the crust above the other in the collision process
    Continental volcanic arc
  • This type of mountain building occurs along continental plate boundaries.

  • This happens when a force compresses the crust, causing the crust to bend from its sides.
  • Types of folds:
    • anticline
    • syncline
    • tight fold
    • overfold
    • recumbent fold
    • nappe
  • It is the top/highest layer of any folded rock layer
  • It is the lowest point of any folded rock layer
  • It is a sharp-peaked anticline fold
    tight fold
  • It is the bending or warping of folding rock layers
  • It is a result of too much bending that no vertical regions can be seen
    recumbent fold
  • It is a fold that has overturned, causing rock layers to be fractured