general areas of ethical consideration for when doing research
Informed consent
Right to withdraw
Protection from mental or physical harm
main ethical issues that occur in psychological research
Lack of informed consent
Lack of protection of participants
Right to withdraw
Participants should be aware that they can leave the study (or remove their data from the study) at any time, even if they have been paid to take part
protection from mental or physical harm
Participants should be protected from physical or mental harm, including stress - risk of harm must be no greater than that to which they are exposed in everydaylife, and must leave in the sameemotionalstate that they were in when they entered
Ensuring that participants are aware that they do not have to answeranything that may make them feel uncomfortable, thus protecting their privacy.
In addition, you cannot observe people in privateenvironments
Informed consent
Psychologists should ensure that all participants are helped to understand fully allaspects of the research before they agree (give consent) to take part
Telling the participant what will happen in the study before they agree to take part
However may lead to demand characteristics
Participants results and personalinformation should be kept safely and not released to anyone outside of the study
Participants should not be deliberatelylied to about the aim of the study and procedure
If not told the true aim, every step should be taken to ensure that there are no harmfuleffects to the participant
Ways to overcome deception
a thoroughdebrief
presence of ethicscommittee to stop experiment if they feel that it is harming participants
After completing the research, the trueaim is revealed to the participant.
Aim of debriefing = to return the person to the state they were in before they took part.