Experimental design

Cards (11)

  • types of experimental designs
    • Independent groups design
    • Repeated measures design
    • Matched pairs design
  • Independent groups design
    An experimental design where each participants only takes part in one condition of the IV
  • Matched pairs design
    An experimental design where pairs of participants are matched on important characteristics and one member allocated to each condition of the IV
  • Repeated measures design
    An experimental design where each participants takes part in all conditions of the IV
  • Strengths: Independent groups design
    • Order effects cannot be observed, as no participants will be used in more than one condition
    • Data collection will be less time-consuming if all conditions of the experiment can be conducted simultaneously
  • Limitations: Independent groups design
    • Different participants need to be recruited for each condition, which can be difficult and expensive
    • There is a risk of participant variables affecting the results between conditions, rather than solely manipulation of the independent variable
  • Strengths: Matched pairs design
    • Order effects will not be observed as participants only take part in one condition
    • The tailored participant-matching process reduces the risk of participant variables from affecting results between conditions
  • Limitations: Matched pairs design
    • Different participants need to be recruited for each condition, which is difficult and expensive
    • Matching is a more complex process, and it will always be very difficult to match participants identically
  • Strengths: Repeated measures design
    • The results will not be subject to participant variables putting more confidence in dependent variable changes being solely due to manipulated changes in the independent variable
    • As the same participants are used at least twice, extra participants do not need to be recruited
  • Limitations: Repeated measures design
    • There is risk of observing order effects
    • If a participant drops out, data will be lost from all conditions of the experiment rather than one
  • How can you reduce the risk of order effects in a repeated measures design
    • counterbalancing
    • controlling the order of variables so that each order combination occurs the same number of times, e.g. one half of participants partake in condition A followed by B, whereas the other half partake in B followed by A