Fertilization - the reproductive cells of man and woman join together to make a new human cell
Pregnancy is the time when a new cell is formed during fertilization, grows and developed a baby in the woman's uterus
from the time that the ovum and sperm cell unite until the end of the eight week, the developing human is called embryo
from the eight week until birth is called the fetus
a normal pregnancy lasts until 9 months or 38-40 weeks
the attachment of the developing cells to the uterus is called implantation
Teenage pregnancy are premature because they occur in mother who may be too young or immature to care for a child adequately
some of the hormones produced by the pregnant woman's body makes her nauseated, this situation is called morning sickness and usually last for 3 months
Placenta is an organ that grows in the uterus during pregnancy and allows nutrients, gases, and wastes to be exchanged
The phase of pregnancy have three trimester
the first trimester of pregnancy lasts from week 1 through week 12. The first sign is missed of menstrual period
the second trimester of pregnancy from week 13-27 is the time when most women start to look pregnant and begin to wear maternity clothes
By 16 weeks the top of your uterus called the fundus will be about halfway between your pubic bone an your navel
the third trimester last from week 28 to the birth
the passage of a baby from its mother's uterus to the outside of the body is called birth
labor is the process that lasts from the time contractions starts until the delivery of the child and the placenta
There are three stage of labor
1st stage begins with the first contraction and last until the cervix has opened enough to allow the baby to pass through. Contraction happens every few minutes and lasts a minute
2nd stage - starts when the cervix is completely open and lasts until the baby is delivered. Contraction happen every 2-3 minutes. After the baby is born, they cut the umbilical cord
3rd stage - this is the final stage of labor. It is when the placenta is delivered. In this stage, the mother's uterine contraction push the placenta or afterbirths out of her body
In some cases, doctors have to deliver a baby by caesarian section
Maternal nutritional status affects the offspring's health development significantly during early embryogenesis, pregnancy, birth and lactation, and subsequently determines health during growth and adulthood
Pre-conception nutritional status not only influences fertility, but also embryogenesis and life long health
4 body building foods: fish meat poultry, milk, eggs, and dried beans & nuts
4 energy giving foods: enriched rice, root crops, sugar, fat
3 regulating foods: green leafy & yellow vegetables, vitamin C rich foods, and other fruits & vegetables