The neural explanation states that OCD is caused by disruptedcommunication between the basal ganglia and the orbitofrontal cortex
Explain the neural explanation of OCD
The inhibitorysignals from the basal ganglia are weakened, causing hyperactivity of the orbitofrontal cortex, which leads to obsessive thoughts and worries
State the genetic explanation of OCD
According to the genetic explanation, OCD is a geneticcondition which is inherited
A number of genealleles have been associated with increased risk of developing OCD
Explain the genetic explanation for OCD
For instance, studies have indicated that carrying the longallele of the SERT gene is a riskfactor for OCD
The SERTgene controls the re-uptake of serotonin at the synapse, with the long allele leading to increasedserotoninre-uptake (and therefore, a decrease in serotonin levels at the synapse)
Since serotonin is an inhibitoryneurotransmitter, this decrease in serotonin may contribute to hyperactivity in the orbitofrontal cortex
Strength: Supporting evidence for the Genetic explanation
Support for the genetic explanation of OCD comes from twinstudies comparing concordancerates in monozygotic and dizygotic twins
For instance, in a review of multiple twin studies, Billet et al reported concordance rates of 68% for OCD in monozygotic twins, and concordance rates of 31% for dizygotic twins.
Since the concordance rates were bigger for monozygotic twins than for dizygotic twins, this suggests that genetics does contribute to OCD
Limitation: twin studies supporting the genetic explanation of OCD
For instance, twin studies make the assumption that monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins have the same amount of sharedenvironment
However, this assumption might not be true, because identical twins are more likely to be treated similarly by their friends and family than dizygotic twins
This means that the high concordance rates for OCD observed in monozygotic twins might actually be caused by shared environmental factors rather than shared genetic factors
Strength: Research support for the neural explanation of OCD
Support for the neural explanation of OCD comes from brain imaging studies
For instance, Saxena and Rauch conducted a review of multiple fMRI brain imaging studies, and found that people who has OCD has increased activity in their orbitofrontal cortex compared to a healthy control group
This supports the idea that OCD is caused by hyperacitivty in the orbitofrontal cortex
Strength: biological approach of OCD
A strength of the biological approach is that it has been applied to develop treatments for OCD
For instance, one popular treatment for OCD is SSRIs: drugs that increase the level of serotonin available at the synapse.
SSRis have been found to be effective in treating OCD
This is important because it demonstrates that the biological approach can successfully be used to explain and treat OCD
Counter argument: development of treatments for OCD
However, it is worth noting that when patients stop taking SSRIs, they experience rapidrelapse of symptoms
This suggests that SSRIs may be suppressingsymptoms rather than treating the underlying causes of OCD
This is a problem because it places limitations on the support for the biological approach to OCD