journey into bhutan

Cards (55)

  • Second paragraphs opening wordy- "is my Inst night in Thimp
  • The use of present lease gives a sense of immediancy and including
  • The adjective fel shows how new this place is for the writer-
  • Leading the reader to feel as if they are experiencing is alongside her.
  • Second and third paragraphs open with time markers: "A is my first
  • Night and "he next morning" to show the reader that these are
  • Early impressions of the place fresh experience explains why she's
  • Feeling intimidated by the tennin.
  • The winder air is thin and dry and very cold" syndex Listing
  • Exaggerates the conditions. Factual/informative-little
  • Sense of no
  • Sense at no
  • From h
  • Slay close to them... Sense of ulnerability/anxiousness
  • Loma and Sasha are her source of comford/more al home
  • " dignity, unsers consciousness, Bood humour-but can
  • Find no single word to hold all of my impressions."
  • The use of asyndente listing shifts the tone to one of
  • Admiration-emphasising how in awe she is of Bhulance canadians both being "erstart
  • People. The use of the dash demonstrates her loss of words but the writer initially seems
  • To summarise Bean's people which helps the reader to is hoping to pick up some of the
  • Understand there is more to Bhutan than its beautiful
  • Landscapes. There is depth and riches of Bhutan's culture, people "historical records show tha
  • The extract ends on a positive note through the adjective
  • Femarkable highlighting how impressed she & by Bhutan
  • And expresses her admiration and deep appreciation for
  • The country.
  • "I am full of admiration for this small country that
  • Bas managed to look alter itsels so well"- the short
  • Sentence coupled with the first person pronoun clearly
  • Expresses a positive connotation of Bhutan. The quote
  • Is a contrast to the beginning of the text. However it could
  • Be percieved as patronising because the phrase "look
  • After itself be well might be interpreted as patronising,
  • Even though the author expresses admiration. It could
  • Imply a sense of surprise or low expectations, as if Bhutan
  • Should be capable of taking care of itself.
  • Immigrants settled in Bhajan...