
Cards (17)

  • key ideas of Marx and Engels

    social class is central to socialism
    human nature is socially determined and can only be expressed under communism
  • what is Marx's ideas around social class
    historical materialism - historical and social development can be explained in the terms of economic and class factors
    dialectic change - something which is propelled by the struggle between the exploiters and the exploited
    revolutionary class consciousness - exploited class must acquire this in order to overthrow their oppressors
  • what is Marx's ideas around human nature?

    humans are essentially social beings
    humans are productive and capable of leading satisfying lives based on fulfilling work
    under capitalism workers are alienated by separation from their true selves
    under communism free to realise their true human potential
  • what are the key ideas of Beatrice Webb?
    the inevitability of gradualness' - establishing socialism peacefully through democratic reforms
    the economic side of democracy - the expansion, rather than overthrow, of the state will deliver socialism
  • what are Webb's ideas around human nature?

    believed workers were limited, selfish, and uninformed so democracy should be representative
    representative democracy preferable due to it leading to a skilled socialsit governing class subject to democratic constraints
  • what are webb's ideas around the state?

    gradual growth of state power was evidence that collectivism would bring in a new socialist age
  • what are webb's ideas around society?

    states ability to deliver socialism depend heavily on highly trained specialists and administrators to organise society
  • what were Luxemburg's key ideas?

    social reform - evolutionary socialism not possible as capitalism based on economic exploitation
    class consciousness - struggle by proletariat creates class consciousness need to overthrow state
  • what was Luxemburg's ideas around the economy?

    believe that any revisionist socialist strategy would leave the capitalist system of economic exploitation intact - revolution was therefore necessary to effect true change
  • what was Luxemburg's ideas around human nature?

    argued class consciousness would develop naturally from the workers themselves
    unlike lenin, did not believe that a small, disciplined party was needed to lead workers in revolution
  • what were Crosland's key ideas?
    modern capitalism lacks inherent contradictions - managed capitalism can deliver greater social equality
    state-managed capitalism - state must manage capitalism to deliver greater social equality
  • what were crosland's ideas around the economy?

    pursuing keynesian economics could maintain high employment, ensure low inflation and promote continuous growth
    economic expansion is required to fund welfare and social spending to improve living standards for those at the bottom
  • what were crosland's ideas around the state?

    high levels of government spending is required on welfare services and the redistribution of income and wealth
  • what were Giddens's key ideas?
    the rejection of state intervention - social democracy must be modernised due to impact of globalisation
    the social investment state - rejection of the economic and social engineering that underpinned state welfare
  • what was Giddens's idea about the economy?

    the free market is the most efficient system of production and encourages desirable personal qualities
  • what were Giddens's ideas around the state?

    equality of opportunity over equality
    state welfare and distribution foster a culture of dependency instead 'social investment' state needed - contract between state and citizen
  • what were Giddens's ideas around human nature?

    community and responsibility rather than class conflict are important to offset the negative effects of the free market and promote social cohesion